number one

56 1 2

a/n: dedicated to my friend emily cus she really wanted these domestic!phan oneshots smh. also credits to the artist who created that beautiful piece of phanart up there!

prompt: dan and phil go to the pet store & end up leaving with a pet (or two)


"Phil, please. We cannot go to the pet store and you know why," Dan groaned audibly as Phil practically dragged his boyfriend down the sidewalk right in the direction of the new pet store.

The big 'now open' sign had been beckoning Phil since it was put up on the store front five days ago. He had been begging Dan ever since and he just wouldn't shut up. Now here they were, down at the park for a day out but Phil had other plans.

The bell above the door jingled when Phil pushed open the door a little too excitedly. Puppies barked and whined happily as Phil hung over the edge of the glass display petting each and every puppy he could get his hands on. One in particular caught his eye and he lifted it out of the display to hold out in front of him.

Dan's brow furrowed as he watched Phil from the front of the shop. He rested his hands on his hips as he watched his boyfriend from afar. The little pup in his boyfriend's hands wiggled and yipped happily making Phil laugh softly, his face lighting up while he grinned from ear to ear.

"Dan! Dan, c'mere you gotta see this little guy!" Phil called out to Dan, his gaze not leaving the pup for a second. Dan shook his head a little, laughing at Phil's response to the pet as he walked over to stand next to the other boy. Phil had the dog cuddled into his chest and continued to pet and gaze at it affectionately. This was the exact reason Dan never brought Phil to the pet store. He always wanted to leave with at least something. Dan had to admit though, this dog was bloody adorable.

As much as he dearly loved his boyfriend he knew that there was no way that puppy was coming home with them. Their apartment was too small for such a little thing especially when it would be getting bigger in a short period of time. He sighed loudly and laid his head on Phil's shoulder, shutting his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again there were two big brown eyes staring back at him and he jumped a little only to find that they belonged to the puppy. It's wet, rough tounge lapped at his nose and his insides melted.

"Phil.." he tried his best to look serious even as the puppy continued to lick his face, "you know we can't get him. As cute as he is, he's only gonna be little for so long... Besides, you can hardly care for those house plants of yours. What makes you think a puppy is gonna be any easier?" Phil's lower lip jutted out in a pout after Dan said that but he didn't put the animal down.

"C'mon, babe. You know how much I've wanted a dog, and him being as cute as he is just makes me want him more!" He snuggled the dog closer to him and made the best pouty, puppy dog face he could manage. This just made Dan's insides melt further. As much as he wanted to say no, he just couldn't, especially not when Phil had that stupid look on his face.

Dan groaned internally and a little externally as he dragged his hands over his face.

"Okay.. okay. Alright, you win, Phil. We'll get the damn puppy." Phil's face lit up again and he did a happy little dance, twirling around with the puppy as he kissed it's little head.

"You hear that, lil' fella? You're coming home with me!" Phil exclaimed. A big wet, slobbery lick to the nose was all Phil got in return.

The two boys, or Phil rather, picked up a few other things for their new puppy. A collar and leash (both the brightest blue Dan had seen next to Phil's eyes) were necessary as well as pet food and a dish. They carried their things to the till and Dan paid for this puppy. (his treat, he told Phil when his boyfriend complained).

Soon they were leaving the pet store and walking back through the park, hand in hand with the puppy in tow. That dog was already causing trouble and was the most difficult dog to walk. Phil claimed it was because he had Dan's temperment which, of course, Dan argued was not true.

They were nearing their apartment when Dan spoke up again after their silent and overly long walk with the puppy through the park.

"So.. Phil. What do you plan on calling the little.. puppy?" he glanced over at his boyfriend with his eyebrow raised slightly. The older boy's brow furrowed as he thought for a while before he gasped quietly to himself when he found the perfect name.

"Susan." he said proudly as he squeezed Dan's hand. Dan just laughed. Susan was a stupid name for a dog. Especially when Susan was really not a female. That didn't stop Phil though and they argued playfully the rest of the way home until Dan gave up at the foot of the steps up to the front doors of the building.

He turned to Phil, dropping their bag of pet food and the dish on the ground before grabbing his face between both hands. Dan kissed that boy long and hard until he was out of breath. His hands fell to Phil's shoulders and he looked at his boyfriend with heart eyes.

"You know, Phil. You are so lucky that I love you." Dan laughed. He squeezed Phil's shoulders before scooping up the bag and heading inside with Phil close behind.

Susan quickly became a big part of their lives and Dan (secretly) quite enjoyed his company even if he did hog blankets and bed space. He was probably worse than Phil.

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