number two

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a/n: as requested by my friend emily (yet again). can u blame her though? domestic!phan is the greastest honestly

prompt: dan makes breakfast for phil and things get saucier than expected (thanks em)


Making breakfast was always Dan's favourite morning activity, besides kissing Phil awake each morning (amongst other things...). He'd turn up the music on the morning radio and gather the ingredients for breakfast. Eggs and bacon and French toast if he was feeling generous and today he was.

Phil was snoring away in the bedroom still as Dan turned up the radio. The radio host talked about the forecast and sports teams while Dan prepped breakfast, whisking eggs, milk and a little cinnamon together in a dish for his French toast. He opened a container of cherry tomatoes, something he had recently grown to love, and popped one into his mouth.

Bacon sizzled in the pan as he hummed along to the jazzy music that had began to play, his hips swaying in time to the beat. Dan dropped two pieces of French toast into the hot pan he had going before flipping the bacon and popping in another tomato or two.

He was so busy cooking he didn't notice Phil had come into the kitchen behind him until two lanky and frankly quite ghostly looking arms were wrapped around his waist. That made him jump and turn his head only to find it was just Phil and not some creep.

Phil nosed his way into the crevice of Dan's where he placed a little kiss, pulling Dan back against him.

"'Morning, love.." Phil murmured against Dan's skin before resting his chin on his boyfriend's shoulder, watching as Dan moved the bacon to some paper towel to degrease and flipped the toast. Another cherry tomato was brought to Dan's lips before he replied.

"Good morning, sleepy head. You scared me a bit there. A warning would have been nice, you know." He turned his head to look at Phil, giving him a playful stern look before he pressed a kiss on Phil's nose and turned back to his cooking. Phil frowned at Dan's lack of proper morning kisses, which there were usually plenty of, and began to press kisses on Dan's neck. This drove his boyfriend absolutely insane and he knew it full well.

Dan chose to ignore Phil's advances and cracked two eggs into the pan after removing his French toast. The eggs sizzled and Dan waited impatiently, spatula in hand, for them to be ready to flip. Phil took this moment to his advantage by sliding his hands up under the younger boy's shirt, his long cold fingers roaming across Dan's skin. More kisses to his neck and even more along his jaw.

He took the spatula from Dan's hand and placed it on the countertop before turning him around. Phil had Dan pinned down and there was no way he was getting out of it. This would be the last time Dan forgot to give Phil his morning kisses. Dan opened his mouth to protest against his spatula being taken but his words were already being replaced with Phil's lips.

Phil was grabby to say the least. His hands didn't leave Dan as he kissed the boy long and hard, cupping Dan's chin with one  and fumbling around with his top with the other. He was really just focusing on kissing this hunk of man candy in front of him. He was his for the taking.

It wasn't long before the scent of smoke and burning food was filling the room. Phil had distracted Dan from his cooking, quite successfully he would say, and now the eggs were a little... crispy. Dan broke away from his boyfriend's forceful kisses as his nose wrinkled, the smell of blackened eggs making him want to gag.

"My eggs.." Dan muttered under his breath and he tried to turn around but Phil kept him in place, pinned there against the stove. Dangerously close to the heating elements and pans, too.

Phil groaned at the loss of Dan's lips and reached around behind the boy to turn off the elements, shoving the pan off the heat.

"Forget the eggs, babe. I'm not too worried about breakfast right now. I've got.. other plans." His hands were under Dan's thighs before you could say eggs and he hoisted the boy up onto the counter. The carton of tomatoes fell to the floor in Phil's rushed move to get Dan up but he could care less. The only thing between him and Dan now were these darned clothes.

More heated and rather intense kisses were exchanged that morning as well as an argument about whether or not Phil should be buying Dan a new carton of cherry tomatoes.

Dan won.
New tomatoes were bought.
And some hot, much needed counter sex was had.

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