Chapter 2 ♡

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I walked out of my fourth period class headed towards my locker where me and Avery had agreed to meet. All day I been scouring the halls trying to find the cute guy I had bumped into earlier, but I couldn't find anywhere. I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket on the verge of pulling it out I collided into someone's chest.

"Damn I'm sorry Ma."

He leaned down and and begin to help me pick up a few papers that fell out of my folder. "The second time you bumped into me today, we shouldn't make a habit of it."

I got up a begin to walk away." Hey!" I turned around facing him. "What's your name."

"Alana but most people call me Lanny."

"Kevin, So where you headed?"

"My locker to meet my sister."

"Can I join you for lunch, my treat."

"sure." Avery would be fine, right?

Me and Kevin sat at a little dinner ironically called ' petit dîner '. We were seated for five minutes before I middle age waitress came over and placed a plate in front of us.

"What is that."

"Fried cheesecake. " was all he replied before taking a huge bite of it.

I chuckled a little as he continued to stuff his face. He looked like a little kid with cream cheese on side his lips. I leaned over the table and softly wiped the corner of his mouth before putting my finger in my mouth. He slid out of his seat and came to my side of the booth. He caressed my cheek before sliding his fingers into my hair and softly pressing his lips against mine.

" Oh so this is why yo' bitch ass diss me?" I heard I a female voice screech from behind kevin.


Avereonia's POV

I wasn't mad, I was livid. Lanny left me waiting for 30 minutes before she finally text me she was having lunch with somebody. I wasted half of my lunch waiting for her ass and now I don't have nobody to sit with and I look like a fucking loner sitting under a tree in the courtyard. I group of guys walked and I heard I very familiar laugh. I looked up and our eyes met. It can't be him! He is not supposed to be here! Kaeden!

"Hey Avery." he smiled softly before leaning down and hugging my petit frame

"What are you doing here?" I asked taking in his familiar scent.

"My Dad transfered my school's. "


He shrugged "Football." he took a second looking at the two boys behind him "Join me for lunch." he picked up my black backpack and slung it over his shoulder before heading for his car.

We pulled up to this quaint restaurant. "How did you find this place."

"My Dad kind of owns it."

"HELL NO! I'm not going in there, your fathers going to think were a thing."

He rolled his eyes dragging my inside by this man that looked like an older version of Kaeden. "Dad this is the girl you've been telling me about."

"You talk about me?"

he shrugged "Sometimes. "

"And by sometimes he means all the time."

I smiled turning my head slightly to survey the rest of the restaurant begore landing on a familiar figure.

"excuse me for a second." they nodded and instantly started talking about football. I walked " Oh so this is why yo' bitch ass diss me?"

Lanny turned around quickly."Avery it's not that serious. "

"what you mean 'it's not that serious'. "

"Exactly that Avery. Besides were in high school we don't always have to be together ." My eyes burned as my vision begin to blur. I turned and went back by Kaeden.

He turned around and a look of concern flashed across his face. "Hey, are you ok."

I nodded "Can we go." he nodded and told his dad he'd see him when he got home.


I sat with Kaeden in his back yard on the porch swing. All day I had been avoiding Alana since in her words we were in high school and we don't always have to be together. I know that kaeden knows somethings wrong but I-

"Soooo what's up?"

"The sky."

He rolled his eyes "What's up with you and Lanny."


"Avery I know it's not nothing. You were on the verge of tears at lunch." I relayed to him everything that Lanny had said at lunch. "Damn!" he said finally looking over at me.


"Well maybe she's just going through some shit."


"And she is always there for you now its your turn to be there for her."

"Fine but I'm doing do that shit on my own time." he mummbled something inaudible. "What! huh!."

"Bruh nothing."

"That's what I thought now take me upstairs so we can have some fun!"

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