Chapter 1

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Elf King Galrish (picture below)

Some things could never be erased

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Some things could never be erased...then again, you wished you could take away the pain and suffering away from everything and everyone around you. I didn't believe in magic and sorcery...I didn't believe in elves, centaurs, other mystical creature...this is a world full of secrets, waiting to unfold like a piece of paper, as you gently unfold it, carefully trying not to rip it or bend it but to reveal what's inside.

"Run! I said RUN god dammit!" The Elf Leader, Galrish, shouted to his men as they had been under attack by horrible, nasty creatures called, Orcs. They would kill everything they saw in their path, including small children like me. What was a kid like me doing in the middle of a battlefield, well, Galrish found me. I was passed out by a tree until I heard screaming in my ear. I was struck in horror of the sight around me, elves were being slain and falling to the ground. It was terribly bloody and I couldn't move my body at all. Then, all of a sudden, I was tossed onto the back of a horse. "Boy! You didn't listen to me. My people! Retreat!" Lord Galrish yelled to his men. Within minutes, the elves had disappeared within the trees and Galrish and I sped off on the white horse.
It felt like hours being on the back of a horse, tightly holding onto the King. It felt weird, but I was glad that he didn't let me die back there. "Why the hell did you not listen to me boy?" Lord Galrish's voice was harsh but he also sounded worried. "I..I didn't know what to do..I don't remember how I got there. I just...I can't remember...My Lord, I'm terribly sorry I didn't listen, even if I did, I would've died." He seemed to believe what I said because he relaxed and his voice became softer and more gentle, "Well, what do you remember?" I thought for a moment. "I remember you're name, somehow. I don't remember where I came from and my name...Oh! I believe i'm maybe fourteen..somewhere around there. And that's it,
My Lord, I''m afraid.." I lowered my eyes. He sighed, "Well, shall we give you a new name? How about...Arlan, son of Galrish?" He suggested. My head snapped up and the horse went a bit faster as the Lord tugged on the reigns. "S-son?!" He nodded, "Yes. As of now, I am adopting you as my son. Once we get back to my Kingdom, Haelam, you will meet your new older brother, Kain. You will be a prince and you will be welcomed into my kingdom by my people." It was a lot to take in...I was an orphan for all of two minutes and then I suddenly got adopted by the Elf Lord. "Arlan? You will refer to me as 'Father' you understand?" He added. "Yes..Father." I nodded my head again and remained silent until I was was told to speak, but then eventually I fell asleep due to how peaceful the nature around me sounded.

"Son! Run! Run as fast as you can and never look back! Do you hear me? Don't look back!" The voice of a woman yelled to me. Is mother?! Were we under attack?! "Mother! No! Come with me! Please!" I screamed for her. "NO! You must go, now! Take Finny! And you ride as fast as you can!" She shoved me through giant door, screaming at me to go. I had to listen. I took Finny, the family horse and as I rode away, I could hear the screams of my mother, the castle was on fire and I obeyed her orders and rode away.
*End of Flashback*

"Son! Wake up, we're here." The sound of my foster Fathers voice woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and he lifted me off the white stallion. My mouth dropped when I stood right in front of two giant gold doors hidden in trees. Father blew his horn and the doors opened. As soon as the doors opened, a taller, slightly young looking man walked out. He had beautiful, long silver hair that was braided to the back of his head. He walked with a high head and looked very proud. "Father, you've returned." Woah! Father?! I just called his hair beautiful! "Who is this?" He snapped his silver eyes to my blue crystal eyes. "Kain. This is you're new brother, Arlan. You will be kind to him and welcome him into the family, am I understood?" Kain's eyes softened, "Yes, Father. I understand. Come now, brother. Let me show you around." Kain towered over me and he turned on his heels and started walking. "Father? May I be dismissed?" I asked before I started to follow Kain. "Yes, you may. Now, get going." I nodded and ran up to Kain. "So, 'Arlan', Where are you from?" Kain asked. He was about three steps ahead of me and he was hard to keep up with, I didn't know why he was in such a hurry. "I don't know." He looked at me, "You don't 'know'?" I shook my head. "How old are you?" I rolled my eyes, "You and Father are just alike, I can see it. You both like asking questions. Listen, I can't remember anything, ok? Nothing, I pretty sure I am fourteen and Father gave me my new name." I started walking next to him and tried keeping his pace. "Hm, interesting. I guess we'll have to work on those memories, for now, you are part of the elves." I smiled and followed my new big brother, Kain.

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