Chapter 13 - Bow Ties on Dead Guys

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Drew P.O.V

It was awful to watch Kier slip back to how he was before. He spoke to no one apart from Laurence. I spent many of my days and evenings when I wasn’t working sat with Kier. I watched him chatter to Laurence, then I watched him break down when he wouldn’t answer him. He was withdrawn and looked like all hope had been drained. I feared that if we lost Laurence, we’d lose Kier as well.

Kier’s P.O.V

“Laurence, it’s me again. I know you’re probably bored of hearing my voice all the time. But I need you to wake up. I really do. You know, I thought I saw you smiling the other day. When I told you about Drew and his cookies. It made me smile, grumpy old me. Especially when he started to annoy Shane. I told the nurse that you were smiling, but she thought I’d imagined it. Probably due to the stress I was suffering she said. But I know I wasn’t imagining it. I know you can hear me Laurence. I need you back now. I really do. I can’t live without you. If you don’t wake up, I don’t know what I’m going to do” I sighed.

I was interrupted by Shane opening the door slowly. He was carrying a guitar on his back and he smiled at me, putting the guitar on the floor by the end of Laurence’s bed. He walked forwards and hugged me. “How is he? He asked, his face was sympathetic.

“He’s alright. Nurse say there is no change in his condition. Which is good really, it means he’s not getting any worse. What’s with the guitar?” I asked him.

“It’s for you. I had a word the nurses earlier. They say that something Laurence feels strongly about might help to bring him around. I know he feels strongly about you, but he also loves music. So I figured, why don’t you play one of your songs for him? It’s just a suggestion.” He handed me my guitar and smiled. I have to go now. Drew will be up in a bit.”

Shane left, leaving me on my own with Laurence and my guitar. I took it out of the bag and tuned it quickly. I leant forwards slightly. “Shane has suggested this. He says that things you love will bring you back to us. I know how much you like music and I also know how much you want to hear me sing. You’ll have to forgive me though. I’m a bit rusty. I wrote this song ages ago. It was about you. It was just after I first met you. So, here we go I guess”

I strummed a few notes on my guitar and began.

 “I might not be your saint but if you're looking for a freak,

To light an effigy outside your gate, well, I guess I could be weirdo of the week,

Is it such a sin to indulge
My wicked ways won't flaunt your woes,
But if you feel that social friction
it's cos you put your faith in fiction” I felt myself start to sniffle slightly but I carried on

“So kick and scream all you want,
And burn down my favourite haunts, yeah
We'll see who's laughing in the end

If you're trying to break me down, then go ahead, I've got some time I can waste,
You haters go hating cos I've got the patience and a song I can sing at your wake”

I put my guitar down and felt myself starting to cry. All I wanted was Laurence to sit up and say that I sang beautifully or that my guitar was tuned awfully or to start teasing me. I grabbed his hand in mine and kissed it gently. “Laurence why won’t you answer me. Or if you can move your hand, just squeeze my hand back, just so I know your still with me”

Absolutely nothing happened. I didn’t know what I was expecting, but I felt stupid for thinking that something may have. I really didn’t expect what happened next. I felt the fingers in my hand twitch, causing me to sit bolt upright in my chair. Laurence’s hand was twitching, like it was trying to get a firmer grasp on mine. I felt a smile creep onto my face. “NURSE! Quickly! Please?!” I shouted. The next person that came through the door was Drew and I raced up to him and hugged him.

“Drew get a nurse quick! Laurence is coming around I think” I was interrupted by the beeping on Laurence’s machines. The beeping had changed and lights on them were flashing. “Drew? What’s happening”

Nurses rushed in quickly, surrounding Laurence’s bed. I felt myself starting to panic “Drew, what are they doing? He was coming around. He was getting better”

A nurse rushed up to us. “We are really sorry sir, but you need to leave for a bit so we can help Mr Beveridge.”

I started to shake my head. “ Drew, no. I can’t got. Don’t let them take him away” I felt myself sobbing violently as Drew took my hand and pulled me away. 

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