Chapter 9

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The large Black Arms Dominant that was Shadow awoke early the next morning, his groggy crimson gaze landing on his resting Submissive.

Sonic peacefully snoozed beside him, cute adorable little snores coming from him as his tail would twitch in his sleep or his ear would occasionally flicker at the slightest sound.

The Dominant lovingly smiled at the beautiful sight.

Cautious of his movements, the Dominant slowly got out of the nest and stretched to relieve his muscles of the stiffness in them.
Looking around momentarily, he surveyed the morning area, the early morning air crisp with fresh dew laid across the dark blue grass outside and decided that he needed to go hunting.

It was time for his mate to eat again, and he was a bit hungry himself...

But just to make sure his mate didn't scare when he awoke and saw that his Dominant was gone, the ebony male grabbed a stick in his jaws from the nest and started to etch into the dirt ground.

And... quite frankly, to be a big black lizard, what he 'drew' was pretty good.

Smiling at his handiwork, Shadow nuzzled his mate before exiting the cave.

And cute little Sonic calmly slept on.


Not long after he began his hunt, Shadow's attention was soon grabbed by the sound of water splashing in flowing streams of the nearby river.

Curious, the Black Arms Dominant went to investigate...

Only to be splashed at by a small group of colorful fish.

Blinking in surprise, he shook the water from his scales and --curiosity piqued-- decided that the large colorful things would make a decent meal for his Submissive.

But it seemed that the fish had other ideas as they dodged every lunge, swipe, bite, and pounce that the lizard took towards them.

And after around twenty minutes of splashing and making a complete fool of himself, the drenched and annoyed Dominant left the body of water with his wounded pride and still-empty belly to find something else to eat and easier to catch, Shadow just glad that there were no other Dominants around to witness him being outdone by his own food.

But he swore to deal with those annoying rainbow fish another day...

Walking into the forest, he soon picked up the scent of a Yndiru deer close by.

Smirking, the predator went into immediate hunter-mode.

Crouching low to the ground, using the dense forest to keep himself hidden, Shadow slowly snuck up on the unsuspecting creature.

And as soon as the buck looked up, the Black Arms lunged from the bushes, teeth and claws sinking into the ambushed creature.

A pained bleat sounded from it as it tried to shake off the large lizard by bucking its body and shook itself.

But with his teeth clenched around one of the all white elk-like creature's horns, Shadow gave one swift yank that broke its neck in one clean movement, giving it a quick, painless and merciful death.

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