Alpha Ambush

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There was a pounding at Eddward Vincent's door he of course knew immediately who it was. "Open this fucking door Vincent! I know you're in there!" A certain ginger jock calls from the other side of the door. Edd smirks and lazily gets up and opens the door "how may I help you on this fine evening Mr. Barr?" He asks already knowing the answer. "Cut the crap and let me in Vincent" Kevin says grabbing Edds shirt and pushing him back while closing the door with his foot before pulling the raven haired male into a rough lust filled kiss. This had been going on for a few months now and Edd had been luring the other alpha into a false sense of security by letting him dominate the majority of their little romps but not tonight oh no tonight Edd wasn't going to be the one 'catching' as Kevin so crudely put it to him once during a post sex conversation they had. So tonight just like every other time he let Kevin have his way for a little while making sure he wasn't expecting a thing as Edd let the emerald eyed male dominate the kiss possessing everything that was Eddward backing him up into a wall. Edd trailed his hands down Kevin's body the buff male thinking nothing of it being lost in the kiss and the fact that it wasn't new for Edd to be touching him so intimately. This was the start of Kevin's undoing unfortunately for Edd took his chance and grabbed the pair of black police grade hand cuffs from the pocket of his black skinny jeans and before Kevin could protest cuffed his hands behind his back starling the poor football team captain. "What the h..." Kevin began but didn't get to finish his question as Edd quickly turned him around and kicked the back of his knee making him fall into a kneeling position. "Shut up." Edd commanded "you will not speak unless spoken to and when you speak to me you -will- look me in the eyes" he says his voice carrying a hint of dark pleasure. Kevin looks up at Edd in surprise and more than a little bit of anger "what the fuck is going on?!" He asks through clenched teeth. Edd seeing his anger just smiled devilishly "oh pumpkin... Did you actually think that I would let you fuck me all those times with out it being reciprocated?" He asks. Kevin looks at Edd confused "what the hell are you talking about" he asks honestly confused he had no idea what the shark was talking about. "Don't get me wrong sweetheart I enjoyed it and all but I was just biding my time until I could fuck you like a little bitch." Edd says smiling "the difference between you and I though Kevin is that I am a bit more sadistic." He purrs tilting Kevin's head up. Realization dawned on Kevin at Edds words "oh hell no I am not being the bitch tonight or any other night so you better let me outta these damn things or I swear I'm going to kick your ass." He growls straining against the cuffs. Edds smile darkens as he grabs Kevin's hair roughly knocking off his hat in the process "now Kevin be reasonable we can do this the easy way where you comply and it's pleasurable for both of us or and this is my personal preference..." He pauses so that his words really sink into the red head "we can do this the hard way which involves a ball gag and a leather riding crop being mercilessly smacked against your ass until you choose the easy way your choice really" he finishes letting go of the red heads hair. Kevin just growls in frustration "I don't exactly have a choice in this do I it's gonna happen whether I like it or not ain't it?". Edd looks at Kevin his blue eyes gleaming with dark pleasure "look who's learning... No you will be getting fucked but good that you are absolutely correct in however like I said this whole ordeal can be pleasurable or you can struggle either way I'm going to have my fun." He says gleefully. Kevin sighs "alright then fine have it your way" he says he is far from done fighting and the first chance he gets he is going to turn the situation around but Edd certainly doesn't have to know that. Edd motions for him to stand up "be a good little bitch and walk to daddy's room then" he says as Kevin growls and stands up making Edd chuckle again and follow him to his room. Once there Edd roughly shoves Kevin onto the bed making him gasp in surprise before his gasp is swallowed by Edds mouth in a rough kiss. Recovering from the initial shock of being thrown on the bed like a rag doll Kevin growls and tries to dominate the kiss only to have Edd bite his lip roughly and pull back "you would do well to remember who is in charge right now pumpkin" Edd says mockingly knowing that his words will just irritate the green eyed beast beneath him. Kevin grits his teeth and tugs at the cuffs underneath him as Edd climbs off of him to unbutton Kevin's pants and yank them off along with his boxers leaving the star pitcher naked from the waist down. Kevin smirks he knows the swimmer has a thing about needing full contact which means that in order to get Kevin's shirt off he would have to un-cuff him and then the ginger would be able to make his move or so he thought. "What are you smirking so smugly about citrouille?" Edd asks taking his hat off and walking over to his night stand he drops it and picks up something the red head doesn't see. "oh nothing really" Kevin says trying to sound innocent. "Oh? So you aren't thinking about turning this around once I un-cuff you and making me your little bitch for the night?" Edd says turning around with a sly smile as he hides what he is holding behind his back. "What? Noooooo I would never" Kevin says trying and failing not to sound sarcastic. "That would be a good plan however unfortunately for you I don't plan on un-cuffing you to get that shirt off of you." Edd says crawling up the gingers body and straddling him still hiding something. "What?! Then how the hell do you plan of getting it off?!" Kevin growls thoroughly pissed off that his plan was wrecked by the smarter jock. "It's quite simple really..." Edd says bringing his switch blade in front of him and flicking it open with the press of a button "I do hope you aren't to attached to this shirt sweetheart" he says mockingly. Seeing the switch blade caused two very different reactions from the red head unsurprisingly the first was fear the second emotion shocked Kevin as he felt his cock start twitching to life at the sight of the cool steel Edd was holding "you better fucking not double dweeb!" Kevin says struggling futility with the cuffs in the back of his mind he knows that his wrists are going to be rubbed raw but right now that didn't matter. Edds face takes on a dark look as he brought the knife down to Kevin's shirt he flicks his wrist and the material parts like butter demonstrating how sharp the knife is "I don't think you are in a position to be making demands or calling names right now besides you might be saying no but a different part of you is screaming yes" he says smugly grinding his ass on Kevin's half hard dick causing the jock underneath him to hiss in pleasure. "Fffffuuuck" Kevin groans throwing his head back on the pillow beneath him he can't believe that he is actually being turned on by all of this he shuts his eyes and let Edd do whatever it was the sick bastard was going to do every once in a while feeling the cool steel of the blade brush against his skin as his shirt was shredded. "So compliant what a good little bitch you are" Edd says as he clicks the knife closed and tosses it aside admiring his work. "What ever I just didn't want you to cut me" Kevin spits at him with a dark blush on his cheeks yes he enjoyed it but like hell would he give the shark the satisfaction of knowing that. Edd chuckles "still in denial are we?" Edd questions as he throws the remainders of the shirt some where in the room he will take care of it later he licks his lips as he looks down at the now fully naked muscular Adonis beneath him "you look absolutely delectable" he purrs trailing his hands down his lovers toned chest causing a shiver of pleasure to run down Kevin's spine despite everything that's going on right now he is extremely turned on and his body is sensitive to the ravenettes touches and despite trying to hide it Edd notices. "I could just eat. You. Up." He purrs kissing and nipping down Kevin's torso and neck leaving several love bites and hickeys when they go to school on Monday there will be no doubt as to how they got there and to whom Kevin belongs. Kevin suppresses several moans and gasps of pleasure biting his bottom lip Edd looks up and frowns in annoyance "tsk tsk tsk no you don't pumpkin I want to hear you" he says sitting up and taking off his shirt tossing it aside he turns back to the red head and captures his lips in a heated kiss effectively making Kevin release his bottom lip causing the swimmer to smirk in victory as he pulls back. "There now the next time I catch you trying to suppress anything I'm going to have to spank you like a bad little slut" Edd whispers in Kevin's ear causing yet another shiver to run down his spine. Edd smiles and slides down Kevin's body again this time taking his cock in his mouth causing his red headed lover to moan and thrust his hips up Edd chuckles and pins Kevin's hips down eliciting yet another moan from the man above him. Taking his chance he reaches up and shoves his fingers in the other alphas mouth to slick them up for what he is about to do unfortunately Kevin also knew what was about to happen and he tenses up getting ready to bite down on the Sharks fingers before said shark pulls off of him with a soft pop "if you bite me I won't prepare you at all and I will -not- be gentle about it." Edd warns Kevin mulls this over before reluctantly starting to suck on the fingers in his mouth "good boy" he purrs encouragingly. Edd watches as Kevin works his fingers he groans softly he is already incredibly hard and his pants are becoming an annoyance a tight restricting annoyance. "That's good enough" Edd says taking his fingers out of Kevin's mouth he begins to circle his index finger around the gingers entrance. Kevin tenses up immediately and goes to shove the Raven away only to be reminded that he is still laying on his cuffed hands noticing his discomfort Edd chuckles and slowly pushes the finger in causing Kevin to grit his teeth in discomfort "I'm going to fucking kill you" he says glaring at Edd who only chuckles harder "big words for someone tied up" he snickers back to Kevin as he slides a second finger in scissoring Kevin to stretch him. Kevin grabs the sheets beneath him and tries to breath through the discomfort he succeeds in doing so until Edd slides in a third finger "fuck! That hurts you ass!" He hisses at Edd who's smile is starting to resemble that of a Cheshire Cats "shhhhh just hold on a minute I'm not completely sadistic I am going to make this feel good for you too" he says angling his fingers to find Kevin's prostate. Just as Kevin is about to insult his fellow alpha pain gives way to pleasure and he lets out a rather undignified moan blushing that such a sound would even come from his mouth. Edd just chuckles knowingly and continues to abuse that spot making the once protesting gruff man beneath him turn into a withering moaning wanton slut it was quite a beautiful sight to the swim captain as he stared down at the football captain who's eyes were glazed over mouth was hanging open in a breathy moan drool slowly running down one side of his mouth. Edd can't take it any more he slides his fingers out and gets off the bed practically ripping his pants and boxers off. Kevin suppressed a whine as he felt the fingers that were giving him so much pleasure leave him. He looks down only to tense up again as Edds erection springs from his pants "oh hell no!" He yelps as Edd comes back to the bed and flips him over bringing his hips up Kevin presses his legs together he isn't going to make this easy for Edd no matter how good he was just making him feel. Edd growls growing impatient "Kevin I'm going to say this once spread your legs or I'll spread them for you." He says rubbing Kevin's back trying to calm him down. "No fuck you I am not going to be the bitch in this I already told you." Kevin snaps then sighs in relief as Edd walks away thinking he won. Edd bends down grabbing his and Kevin's belts he comes back to the bed holding them "what the hell are you gonna do with those?" the red head asks suspiciously "I warned you." Edd replies dragging Kevin down to the edge of the bed he grabs one of The gingers ankles and brings it to one of the bed posts tying it with the belt he repeats the process with the other leg he steps back to admire his work. Kevin's legs are spread open his face is being pushed into the bed muffling several death threats and curses his hands are cuffed behind his back and his ass is in the air ready for the Raven to claim as his own not unlike the red head had done to him several times before. Edds cock twitches at the tantalizing sight before him reminding him that he had better things to do besides stand around and admire the view. Edd grabs his strawberry scented lube and applies a liberal amount to his cock stroking it to spread it evenly groaning in anticipation as he crawls in between Kevin's legs and positions himself at the gingers hole "you ready pumpkin?" He teases one last time. Kevin does his best to glare at Edd from his position "I am going to ki-OH GOD!!!!" His threat is interrupted by Edd slamming himself into Kevin with out warning "I apologize I was growing tired of your empty threats make no mistake by the time this is over you will be begging me to do it again" he says with a chuckle as he watches tears prick at the other alphas eyes he takes pity on the ginger and doesn't move for a moment. Kevin buries his face in the sheets and mumbled something Edd doesn't quite hear or understand "what was that dear?" He asks with a raised brow Kevin's head snaps back and he is again glaring at Edd the best he can "I said if your going to fuck me fuck me don't treat me like a little bitch that can't take it!" He snaps through clenched teeth. Edd laughs "God even when your tied up and helpless with a dick in your ass you are still a cocky little shit" he says before pulling out to the tip and slamming mercilessly back in cutting off anything Kevin was about to say as the emerald eyed man screams in a mixture of pain and pleasure instead of stopping and checking on the ginger Edd groans and continues to thrust into the tight heat of his lover looking for that magical little spot that had him withering earlier he knows he found it when Kevin makes the same almost feminine moan from earlier. Kevin didn't even realize that he was moaning as loudly as he was he was to absorbed in the pleasure that was crashing his body like tidal waves the pleasure only intensified as Edd reached around and started stroking his shaft in time with his thrusts he never knew being taken like this could feel so damn good he was quickly coming to his end and Edd took note of it because Kevin was slowly tightening around him. Edd leans down and plants several open mouth kisses on his lovers back and neck leaving more dark marks claiming him as Edds "Cum for me like a good little slut cum for daddy" he whispers biting Kevin's ear lobe. Kevin gasps and calls Edds name out as his climax hits him like a ton of bricks Edd groans as his lover tightens around him and he isn't far behind a couple thrusts later he empties himself into the gingers ass. Kevin moans softly he is exhausted from the whole ordeal and more than a little sore now that it's all over he groans in discomfort as Edd pulls out of him and disappears off the bed he returns a few moments later and finally un-cuffs Kevin then moves to the belts throwing them on the floor with the other clothing he cleans up a bit before falling into the bed like a sack of potatoes thinking Kevin has fallen asleep he was wrong. Kevin springs up and grabs Edd by the throat choking him slightly he punches Edd in the arm "if you -ever- do that again with out my permission I don't care how much I love your sorry ass I will beat the living shit out of you!" He growls staring the Raven down. Edd looks up at Kevin and a slow smug smile crawls its way onto his face "does that mean you'd be willing to let me do it again with your permission?" He asks grabbing Kevin's wrist to ease some of the pressure on his throat the red head pulls away entirely and lays down drawing the blue eyed asshole he grew to love against his body "yes now go the fuck to sleep double dork." He says closing his eyes the Raven chuckled "I love you too" he says softly drifting off to sleep with his lover.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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