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Baby, your're perfect, 'cause you got that one thing and that is, what makes you beautiful.

He noticed your beautiful eyes and your wonderful manner, your hair and how they fall into your face sometimes and you stroke them back; in class he noticed every step of you and heard every word, that you said, saw how you moved. He smiled with every joke you make and saw you laugh and smile and the light in you eyes. His knees felt like pudding, when you walk towards to him and when you talked with him, all of his English skills failed. His heart beat faster when he thought about you and he did this very often. Whatever you did seemed significant to him and just your existence seemed like a present form god, or whoever.

The earth was four billion years old, has a population about seven milliard, and he was lucky enough to know you.


There we go,

with my first english fanfiction - I'm so exited! I hope you'll enjoy my texts.

I'll writte about Harry, Louis, Niall and Liam - about Zayn, just if you want me to. I would love to get ideas from you and writte about them, so feel free to send them to me. :)

You can find the german version of this on


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