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As the rays of the sunlight beams unto my face..

It gives me shiver always

I don't want to wake up

I don't want to go everywhere

Because I know people will judge me..

As I passes through the aisle with judgmental people

I always feel down, ashamed.

I don't want to walk with them

I don't want to be with them..

As when I tried to talk to them, they always push me away

They want to watch my falls, my life a living hell, and me, being down

I don't want to talk to them anymore

I don't want to feel down anymore..

But that was before..

One day...

I woke up like nothing

I always want to get out and read their minds

I always want to talk some shits to them, annoy them.

When I pass through the aisle with the creatures, I always give them my sweetest smile which means, you're next

I want to get them rid, feeling blue and miserable

They don't want me to invade their privacy

But is it my fault that I can read their bullshit minds?

Is it my fault?

They don't want me before because I always read their minds

And when I read it, they say I'm crazy

But now? The hell I care.

I want to invade and invade.

But there's this person

I can't read him

I can't invade his privacy

And this case is very rare..


Someone called.

I turned her and said,








A/N: awful to read, sorry naman!

The Mind ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon