Sorry uplading on the bb again, maybe short but I'm uplading everyday, please vote and comment let me no if you want me to keep writing x
Next morning++
Kaycis pvo++
I woke up at 8 this morning, even tho I was late to bed after going out with draco, I was excited, I washed my face put my makeup on I had lovely skin as it was the perfect tone so I don't use foundation just piled the mascara on to make my eyelashes look long and thick, and a pale pink. lipstick, I put my shot armed blouse on with a V-neck armless jumper on and my pleated skirt a thick pair of. Knee lenth socks finished off by my milatry boots just to add abit of my own sryle in there, I don't do jewellery unless its dimond its tacky! With that I mad e my way to the common room to find draco
"Morning draco, comeing for breakfast? See what potters up to" I said with a hiss in my voice
"Sure, so early in the morning yet so. Devious" he laughed
We sat at the slytherin table and ate bacon and eggs and wated for potter and his supporters
"So what's first leson" I asked draco "potions I think with snape, no trouble there he loves us slytherin's. " "Good all the better to get potter in then" I laughed evily,
Potions room was. Old and dusty I joined draco at the back of the room oh he looked good even on a monday morning, in walked potter followed by weasly and mudblood.
"Hey potter, try not to blow your head off this time" draco shouted acorros the room
"Actually blow all 3 of ur head of go on I dare you" I said so everyone heard. A few glares came to me but I enjoyed it, draco looked at me and grinned "you really are funny riddle" we laughed
"Quiet down class" snap said
Going to leave it there comment vote keep reading x