Wonder city is, weird..

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Magnus/Alice P.O.V.

I was walking down the street with Raven, Bunny, Chesh, and Mousy, and I asked a question

"So, who lives here?" Raven wrapped her arm around my shoulder and laughed.

"All sorts of people, some big, some small. Some human, some not at all!" And skipped back to Bunny. I mentally face palmed at her rhyming 

"Doesn't help my question, at all..." I scowled and jogged to keep up with the girls.

"Anyways, you need some new clothes!" Bunny said, and grabbed my wrist and started dragging me towards what looked like a clothes shop. Raven ran over to the door and held it open for us.

"M'ladies and M'lord," She bowed goofily and pushed us inside, "Let's get Alice some clothes!"


Raven P.O.V.

I was walking home with Alice and both of arms were full of clothes, both for me and him, mostly him, though. I bought some more shirts, a couple more pairs of shorts etc etc. Alice, on the other hand, had a new wardrobe, mostly light blue, black, and white, like Alice in Wonderland's clothes. Anyways, when we got home Alice dropped the bags on the floor and just laid on the carpet of the foyer.

"Get up, we still have to get these to our rooms." I said and kicked him in the side, and started walking towards the stairs, "And I'm making you train with me tomorrow." I heard Alice groan in compliance, and rolled my eyes at him. 
"You need it, honestly, you can't always rely on Jack to save your butt everytime," I yelled at him as I picked up bags and started to walk the stairs.

Are you proud, my nerds? Honestly I wrote this a while ago, but just got to finishing and publishing it. You proud? I'm baaaaaack

XOXO -Rave

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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