Don't Say A Word {A Suicide Story} Chapter: 1

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Okay, so the first actual chapter of my new story. I hope you all like it! It's up for the Watty Awards 2011 so please, vote, vote, vote!!


    Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm clock rang. I reached out my left arm and smashed my hand into the snooze button. I groaned as I sat up. I slowly lifted my eyelids and looked at my clock. 5:15 A.M. it read. Yuck, Monday. I absolutely loathe Mondays. Not only are they annoying after a fun weekend, but they are usually the worst days for getting bullied. I tossed my legs over the edge of my bed and stood up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I dug around in the top drawer my dresser for a pair of panties, a bra, and my forest green colored tights. I then went to the next drawer, the one with all of my shirts. I pulled out a black Skelanimals t-shirt and put it with my undergarments. Lastly, I went to my closet and pulled out a vibrant red petticoat that went down to my knees and a pair of florescent pink Converse All-Star High Tops. I grabbed all of my articles of clothing and took a quick shower. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and hair, then applied aquamarine eye shadow with a thick line of black eyeliner to the upper and lower lids of my brown eyes. I covered my full lips with light pink, sparkly lip gloss, put my favorite tiara on my head, and was ready to go. I never ate breakfast in the mornings, unhealthy, I know, but everyone in my school told me I was a fat, emo freak so I just gave up on it.

    “Damien Lucifer! Are you ready to go?” I called out to my younger brother.

    “Ready before you were,” Damien replied haughtily, coming into the doorway of the bathroom, which I had opened after I had gotten dressed.

    “’Kay, just making sure. No need to be snotty,” I shot back, sending him a pointed glance.

    “Well I am the man of this house,” he said smugly, as if that was an accomplishment.

    “The only reason you’re the man of this house is because there’s no other man here.”

    “Oh, yeah? And why is that? What did Dad do that was that terrible?!” There he was, the Damien that sometimes pokes out. It only happened sometimes, but he will get emotional when it comes to why Dad isn’t around. Damien has no idea what he did… and it was that terrible. And then some.

    “When you’re older… maybe then you’ll be able to know.” My voice gave out just the slightest as I said this. I’d always wished that I had someone I could even think of as a father; but no such man existed. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve never had a father, because that man was no Daddy of mine…

    “You say that every time… I’m 15 years old! I’m old enough now!” Damien shouted. If Mom were home, she’d have woken up.

    “Because it’s true every time! You’ll find out before you die so live and let be!” I shouted back. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. “Now, come on. We need to leave for school now or we’ll be late.”

    Damien punch the wall and went downstairs, sighing, I followed. I locked the front door and unlocked my car. Damien got in on the passenger side and I settled into the driver’s seat. I put the key into the ignition of my black Rinspeed Porsche 997 911 Carrera Gullwing and started it up, the engine purring enthusiastically. I know what you’re thinking: SHE HAS A PORSCHE AND YET DOESN’T SEEM SNOBBY AND RICH?! Yes, that is exactly how it is. Money doesn’t buy happiness, it just so happens that I am filthy rich and this was a 16th birthday present of mine. We’re this incredibly rich because my mother is a big, hot-shot executive of a major corporate company. That’s also why I never see her. Sure, she buys me pretty things, let’s Damien do whatever he wants because we have plenty of money and then some, but it’s not enough to fill the void of us not being an actual family. It hurts sometimes.

    The drive to school was silent. Damien was slumped in his seat, deep in thought, and I was paying careful attention to the road since there have been a few too many times where my mom has nearly gotten us killed for not watching the road. We didn’t live very far from the school, ten minutes or so, so we got there around 7 which gave us twenty minutes to hang out with our friends before first block started. I turned off the car but didn’t unlock the auto-lock doors. I looked at Damien until he looked back at me.

    “Baby Bro,” I said gently. “I will tell you about Dad, just… not today. But I promise I will.” I gave Damien a smile and waited for him to return it, once he did, I gave him a great big hug and unlocked the doors. As we got out of the car he looked at me over his shoulder with a sly smile on his lips.

    “I’ll hold you to that promise, Sis,” he said with a smirk, and then walked off to, I assume, find Ryuu. I locked my car and jogged in after him, immediately going to the hallway that my friends and I always hang out in. I turned the corner to the hallway and saw that Damien and Ryuu were there, as well. Crimson Rose was casually leaning with her arm on Damien’s shoulder, as per usual, and Lilith was sitting on the ground next to Ryuu, her eyes closed and her head on Ryuu’s right shoulder. They made such a cute couple, even though they weren’t dating. Damien, Crimson, and Ryuu were all having some kind of odd conversation and Lilith, who I’d been convinced was asleep, would input her opinion on the matter at regular intervals. I just stood at the hallway entrance, watching the scene for a moment. It’s times like this when I feel like a fifth wheel even though none of my friends are together. They all seem perfect for each other yet I have no one for myself. I’ll find someone eventually, though. Unless I die first, which is highly possible, I guess. I smiled as I walked closer to the group, no one seemed to notice me there until I spoke.

    “Aw, doesn’t Lily look so cute when she’s sleeping?” I smirked. Lilith’s eyes shot open searching for the person who spoke. Once her steel grey eyes found my chocolate brown ones, they were locked on.

    “How DARE you call me Lily?! I am NOT your Lily! Only Ry’s! And CUTE?! Did you just call me CUTE?! I WAS NOT ASLEEP!” Lilith screeched, I just started laughing while she glared at me with disdain. She’d get over it soon enough. And you know, there is a reason that only Ryuu can call her Lily; she’s told me before. Her father, who passed away when she was two years old, used to call her Lily. Being called Lily brings up bad memories for her, except for when Ryuu says it because she loves him. And I’m not talking about your teenage love thing, I’m talking best friends since pre-school, unknown love. The whole stuck-in-the-friend-zone thing where they like each other but neither wants to ruin the friendship and tell the other one because they don’t realize that the other feels the same way scenario that people dream of having, yeah, that’s them. Ryuu Yoshi Kawagichi is the only guy that Lilith can trust and feel connected with, kind of sweet, really.

    “Don’t worry, Lily. It’s fine, just go back to resting, She won’t say it again, right Luna?” Ryuu whispered softly as he put his arm around Lilith’s shoulders and shot a pointed look at me.

    “No, of course I won’t. I’m sorry Lilith, ‘just go back to resting’” I giggled as I mimicked Ryuu. Ryuu sighed and rolled his eyes while Lilith just glared before she closed hers again and relaxed back into Ryuu. The rest of our conversation was our usual “School sucks, can’t wait for it to be over” speeches. Crimson and I were both Juniors so this was our second to last year until college, but Damien, Ryuu, and Lilith were all 15 and Sophomores so they still had three years to go. We talked like this until the bell rang for us to get to first block, which I had without any of my friends. Ryuu and Lilith both went to chorus that day, since our school has kids that take both chorus and band, they had to put them on separate days; so Day 1 was band or some other class that went all year long, like Ryuu and Lilith have Web Design, and Day 2 was chorus or, again, another class that went all year long. Damien’s first block class was Algebra 2 since he took Algebra 1 as an 8th grader and Geometry last year as a Freshman. Crimson had College Prep Chemistry while my first block class was U.S. History, which I hated because I suck at remembering historical dates. I get good grades but History takes up more brain power than any of my other classes. But either way, it’s off to U.S. History, I go.

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