Chapter 7 // Jaebum

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"How did that bitch beat me!?" Youngjae complains while the three friends walk back to the dorms, now with Youngjae changed back into his normal attire.

"It's okay, you still got second place. That's the best you've done so far,"Jaebum consoles the vocalist who looks like he wants to murder the "bitch" that won first place at the drag show.

"Second place!? You think that's some great achievement or something!? I'm a professional. I deserved to win!" Youngjae snarls at the leader.

JB rolls his eyes at him. Youngjae was like this after every show, and he still wasn't used to his bratty behavior. Glancing over at Mark, Jaebum could tell that he was shocked by how outraged Youngjae was. Normally, Youngjae was pretty easy going so it was definitely an unusual sight.

The show actually went really well, even if his friend didn't win. Youngjae, or Jaella, performed the song Gee by Girls Generation. Everyone there really liked it and Youngjae would have won if his rival hadn't shown up. His stage name was Byunnie, and he looked kind of familiar, but Jaebum didn't know his actual name. All that mattered was that Jaella and Byunnie hated each other's guts.

"I'm sure you'll win next time," Mark said with confidence.

"And when you do, you'll finally be putting Byunnie in his place," Jaebum added.

Youngjae perked up at that. A sinister grin spread across his face as he turned away from the two others, "I can't wait to crush that little slut."


When they entered their building, the first thing they noticed was how quiet it was.

"Are Bambam and Jackson still out?" Youngjae asks, causing Jaebum to worry more than he already was.

"Wait. What about Yugyeom and Jr? Where have they been all day?" Mark questions.

"They were both sleeping last time I checked" JB replied.

"Did they sleep the entire day!?"

Jaebum nodded, "Do you want to go check on them for me? I'm going to help Youngjae put all his accessories away".

Mark gave a small nod before walking off towards Yugyeom's bedroom. Before he could make it there though, the bathroom door swung open.

Jaebum paused on his way to his room to look at Jinyoung who was standing in the bathroom doorway with puffy eyes. Junior seemed surprised to see anyone in the hallway.

"Hey, Jinyoung! What's up? Is something wrong?" Mark asked him with a smile.

Jinyoung's eyes narrowed suddenly and he pushed past Mark without a word. JB watched as the younger male stormed out the front door with his hands clenched into fists. Everyone was caught off guard by what had just happened.

JB turned to Mark, "Are you okay?"

He knew Mark wasn't pushed that hard, but as close as Mark and Junior were, he knew that Mark was probably feeling hurt and confused.

"I'm fine..." Mark replied with a forced smile, "I've had a long day so I'm going to get some rest".

The older male made his way to his own room, leaving Youngjae and Jaebum alone in the hall.

"I'm going to go after Junior," JB told Youngjae.

"Good luck. I'll try calling Bambam and Jackson again, too," Youngjae said and Jaebum made his way out the door.

JB turned to the stairs at the end of the hallway and started going up them. If there was one person Jaebum knew, it was Jinyoung. Whenever he was feeling homesick or stressed he would go up to the roof. Jaebum would usually follow him there and try to cheer him up, thus he knew that was where Jinyoung would be.

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