5: Being late is a habit

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Its been a week. A week since I last saw Connor, a week since our home was invaded by those unwelcomed beasts, and lastly, a week since I've had that absurd nightmare. The last week has been nothing out of the ordinary. Waking up at sunrise, working in the feilds during the day, coming home to the comfort of my family and my mother's cooking, sleep, and repeat. I wish it would stay like that, but I knew today was not the day for complaining. General Will and his dogs were coming back and taking us costume shopping. Just the thought of it made me want to gag. I didn't want to have anything to do with any of this. The very thought of finding a supernatural creature to be my so-called mate, made me want to runaway screaming. Just kill me then and there.

Sitting up in my bed, I lifted my arms over my head and stretched. It was going to be a long day. Right as I got to my feet, I heard a slight knock on the door.

"Honey? Are you up?" my mom whispered as she peaked her head around my old wooden door, creaking it open slowly.

"Yeah, Mom. I barely got any sleep last night, though. Too much on my mind, I suppose." I let a yawn escape my lips.

"Oh baby. I'm really sorry for what you're going through right now. If only I could take your stress, and put it on me, you know I would. In a heartbeat." she expresses as she walks in and smooths down my bed in the process of sitting down.

"Mother, don't say that. I can't imagine the amount of stress you go through every day. I'm a big girl, I can handle myself!" I pointed at her, trying to get my point across.

She sat there, unphased by my rampage. "When I was your age, I dreamed of finding my mate. I was one of the girls that fell at the feet of werewolves, praying to have the pleasure to be one's mate. Oh how stupid I was. I was blinded by dreams, enough that I didn't see how cruel and manipulative those beasts really are. How they treat humans. It's disgusting. And this ball, at the royal kingdom! I'm worried sick about what you and your brothers might find! I'm so scared, Anna." she whimpered the end, possibly hoping that I wouldn't be able to hear her.

"Mom," I whispered, striding over and wrapping my arms around her. "I love you. Till the day I die. You told me that everything happens for a reason, remember? I, for one, will never give in to those monsters. And as much as I hate to admit it, I'm scared too. Beyond belief. But we are in this together, right?" I wiped a few stray tears that leaked down her face away and we held eachother tight.

We sat there for a minute or two in a comfortable silence. She broke the silence by letting out a forced laugh and trying to smile as she pulled away from me. "I never meant for your morning to turn out like this."

I shrugged and gave her a fake smile to try and comfort her.

"I found a note slipped under the front door this morning. I think it was meant for you. Maybe it will brighten up your morning a bit" She explained while handing me a folded piece of paper.

"Just remember, they'll be here at 8." she said as she stood up, and started to make her way out my door. She stopped at the doorframe and turned her head back to me, "I love you, Anna. Be safe." And with that, she was headed toward the kitchen to cook breakfast.

I looked down at the note, and smiled. There was only one person who felt comfortable enough to slip notes under our door. Connor. I unfolded the note, and smiled when I knew I was right.


Meet me at our usual spot at half past seven.


I threw the note on my bed and ran to get dressed. Connor hates when I'm late, which is usually all the time. I chuckle, at the memory of Connor throwing me in a nearby lake when I was over an hour late. Connor felt bad when he saw my blue lips and stiff fingers. No one should be thrown in a lake in the middle of winter. He's never done anything more than a firm scolding when I show up late after that. I put on some worn brown cargo shorts, and an army green crew-neck. Lacing up my running shoes, I ran out the back door and to our usual spot.

Connor and I found "our place" when we were only 13 and 14. It was after work, and we were going on our daily walk. We walked upon a gorgeous meadow. There was a man-made bench and a tire swing hanging from a near by tree. The view was stunning, from purple lilacs to yellow daisies. We figured it must have been abandoned for years by the condition of the wood in the bench. We walked there everyday for a year. We are the only ones that know about it, and I hope that it will forever stay that way. It's "our place."

I ran all the way, about 2 miles from my home, until I saw a familiar wooden bench.

"Your late. Why am I not suprised."

I whipped to the side to see Connor swinging on the tire swing, smirking at me playfully.

I laughed out loud and smiled a ridiculous toothy grin. "Con, why would you ever make such a proposterous statement? I'm offened!" I gasped dramatically, and put my hand over my heart as if it hurt.

He smiled showing his teeth while standing up from the tire. "Well, since I say that after every time you show up late, your heart should be shattered."

I let out a silent, breathy laugh. He deffinetly knows how to cheer me up.

"You crack me up, Con. It's hard to stay away from you when you have a sense of humor like you do." I ran over to him and got wrapped in his long, muscular arms. He bent down, and gave me a warm, sloppy, and wet kiss on my cheek. I couldn't stop the giggle that escaped my lips.

"I missed you, Anna. A lot. And you and I both know we have a lot to talk about." He pulled away, and looked down into my hazel eyes. A straight line was spread across his lips, showing a very serious expression. His eyes looked duller than usual, almost like they lost the spark.

I sighed, taking his hand and leading him down to our bench. "What do you want to talk about?" I knew I wouldn't be able to avoid this subject for long. I just really didn't want to talk about this. I was hoping that meeting him here today, I could forget about life for a while. Enjoy it, with him.

"Don't play stupid, Annabelle. You and I both know that our time together may be limited. I expect you heard about the Sterling Ball at the Royal Kingdom. You will have a major role in it, due to you being elligable for being the future queen."

I suck in a quick breath, and, without meaning to, send Connor an evil glare. "I am so tired of people reminding me of what could be my fate. The odds are one and a million of the prince being my mate. I don't plan on finding my mate at all! So if you could all just thinking about the bad "what if's" and talk about the realistic stuff!" I spoke the last part louder than it needed to be. I cowered back into a slouch and tried to control my breathing.

"Anna, the chances of finding a mate are high this time. All unmated females and males are required to attend. Even if your mate isn't royalty, he still could be a supernatural beast. The percentage is high. I can't lose you." He spoke in a melancholy tone, and spoke as if he was talking to a baby.

He pulled me into a hug, and stuck his head into my hair. He started to sniff, as if he wanted to reassure himself that I was actually there. I couldn't touch my hands or overlap my arms when I was hugging him, and it just reminded me of how small I was. Being here with Connor felt right. I felt warm, and safe in his arms. I wonder if this is what it felt like to be with your mate.

"What about you, Con? What would happen if you found your mate? I would be nothing to you." Tears threatened to spill over my glossy eyes.

He pulled away, and took one hand to wrap around my waist, while the other captured my chin so I would have to look up at him. His tone went from melancholy, to anger. "Don't ever say that again. I would never leave you. I would rather die. I don't want anything to do with those monsters, I would run away from my mate if I had to. I just want to be with you! If I didn't know any better, I'd say we were soulmates."

I'd never thought about that before. Connor and I were eachothers mates? It could be possible. The way I feel towards him could be what mates feel like being together. I love being around him, but was that just because he was my long time bestfriend? Connor was the perfect model of a man, but would the fates be cruel to put him with a small average girl like me? No. They wouldn't think of it.

Before I could reply, he closed the space in between us and smashed his big, pouty, warm lips to my small ones. I was too shocked at first, that I didn't reply when he started moving his lips, trying to get a reaction out of me. I sat there, wide-eyed, too suprised to react. He's never kissed me on the lips before. Only on the cheek or forehead in a friendly manner. But never like this. I was suprised when I thought I liked it.

He pulled away all too soon when he realized I was just sitting there. His cheeks fluched the deepest red I've ever seen and he turned away beyond embarrassed. "Anna, I'm so sorr-"

He didn't get to finish before I took the collar of his shirt, and made him turn to face me. I smashed my lips once again to his trying to take control. I closed my eyes trying to enjoy the moment. We moved our lips in sync and I've never felt so alive. This was my real first kiss. Was it a first for him? Probably not, as he has girls swooning over him wherever he goes.

I didn't feel sparks, but I felt warm and comfortable. Like we should be doing this. His soft lips felt so good. He traced his tongue on my bottom lip, and I gladly gave him entrance. Our tongues battled for dominance, but he came out with the victory. As much as I didn't want to, I had to pull away to catch a breath. I was panting hard, and Connor was doing the same thing. I saw the emotion come into his face all at once as he wore the biggest toothy smile I've ever seen out of him.

"That was- I mean- That was..." He turned to face me with his smile still glued to his face. "Wow." he breathed out finally, shaking his head in disbelief. "I cant believe that just happened. I can't believe we just did that. You don't know how long I've waited, how much I've dreamed about this moment. But this was- Just- I mean-" he stuttered trying to find the right words. "More perfect than I could have possibly imagined, Annabelle. I wanted to save my first kiss for you. And now I have. You don't know what you mean to me."

I blushed at his words. A guy couldn't be any more sweet than Connor is.

"I have a question for you Annabelle. This is very important to me. I know we've talked about it before, and I know your'e very skeptical about it, but please hear me out." He sighed, almost seeming as though he's nervous about something.

I gulped, preparing for whatever was coming.

"Listen, I've liked you ever since I've met you. The first time I met you, I thought you were hardworking, caring, and loyal. On top of that, you never wore the make-up that others girls overdue, and you were naturally gorgeous. I've had a crush on you forever." He gulped, trying to mentally prepare himself for what came next.

"You were never like other girls, and that's what made you so unique. You've been my bestfriend for ages and I hate not being around you. It took me until a year ago to realize that- I- Uh..." He struggled getting the next few words out. "Um- I- Uh- I was- I was in love with you. Deep, undeniable, love that I could have never stopped."

I gasped. I never knew he felt this way. My vision became blurry once again, and I realized I was on the verge of crying and making a fool out of myself once again. He loved me. And I had to realize that I loved him back all the same. It was time we took a step forward.

"Now, I know our time could be limited, but I want to be with you until they have to drag us away from eachother. So, Annabelle, I have one question to ask you. Please, Anna. Give me a chance. Will you give me the honor of having you as my girlfriend?" He bit his lip nervously, probably preparing himself for if I were to reject him.

I looked him in the eyes, through my tears, and a small smile came onto my face. He just admitted his feelings for me. He's scared of our limited time, so he laid it all down on the table. He loves me. As do I to him.

"Yes. Yes, Connor Gunther! I would be absolutely honored!" I chuckled and his smile stretched back across his face. He ran over and put his arms around my waist and lifted me up in the air spinning my around. We were both laughing and enjoying the moment, when he set me back down on the ground and kissed me with as much passion as he could. He pulled away and leaned his forhead against mine.

"I have a present to give you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small white box. He handed it to me, and gestured for me to open it. It looked like those expensive jewelry boxes that only royalty could afford.

"We've been together for 2 minutes and you already have a present for me? Did you know I was going to say yes, are you that cocky?" I teased him as he stuck his hands in his jean pockets.

"Something like that." He smirked at me and gave me a playful wink. "Just open it."

I opened it up to reveal the most gorgeous necklace I have ever seen. It had a pure gold chain, with a golden infinity sign hanging like a charm. I reached in and picked it up examining its perfections.

"Oh my god, Con. This is gorgeous! How did you afford this, it must have cost a fortune! You didn't steal this did you?" I gasped, realizing a very possibly way to him to get something of this value would be to steal it.

He chuckled deeply, and took the necklace away from me. "No, Anna. I did not steal this. This necklace has been passed down through my family for generations. My mom gave it to me when she got really sick and thought she wouldn't make it, to give to my lucky girl." He unhooked the clasp, and started to put it around my neck. "As I said before, I've had a crush on you for a very long time. I had a feeling it would end up in your possession someday. I've saved up all my money since when I was 10, so I could buy the box and clean the neclace up so it wasn't rusty. It was money well spent." He looked in my eyes with so much love, that I felt like I could melt into him at the moment. He clasped the necklace together in the back of my neck and it dangled down my chest. It was gorgeous.

"So now, even if they take you away from me, you'll have a piece of me with you. Always. And I will never stop looking for you."

I stand up and turn around and wrapped my arms around his torso and he set his hands on the sides of my hips. He smiled down at me as I laid my head on his toned chest. We swayed, and he started to hum one of the few songs that the supernatural creatures allow us to hear. I recognized the tune as an instrumental song. It was beautiful. I close my eyes and imagine myself living happily in a world with Connor. Having kids, and not having to worry about them being taken.

I think back to my dream I had a week ago. Who was that guy? That wolf? If he's real, will he hurt Connor?

I don't know how long we stayed like that, but when Connor cleared his throat, I had to strain my neck to look him in the eyes.

"As much as I would love to stay like this, forever actually. We must be getting back, I have to go to work today." He pulled away and was rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.

I retreated, my eyes wide with fear, as I remember General Will would be at my house be 8.

"Con, if you had to guess, what time do you think it it is?" I bit my nails, afraid of his answer.

"Probably half past eight. We've been here for almost an hour I think." He shrugged, starting to walk the path that leads us home.

"Shit! I have to go, Con! I have to hurry! I don't know what they'll do to me..." I trailed off, starting to run the path until Connor caught my wrist, and twirling me making me face him.

"What are you talking about? Why are you so frightened?" He looked thoughtful and worried in my sake.

"No, not right now! I have to go! The werewolves are picking me up at eight to go gown shopping! Please!" I begged him to let me go.

His eyes turned to anger, then back to a worried stare. "I will run home with you. They will never hurt, I won't allow it."

We sprinted all the way back to my house, winded. We weren't in my backyard until we slowed to a walk. When we reached my back door, we stopped and my breathing increased it's rate. Connor took both his large hands, and grabbed each side of my face. He smashed his lips to mine, which gave me the sensation of comfort once again. He pulled away and pecked my forehead.

"I will try to see you again tomorrow. Be safe, Annabelle. Don't let them get to you. I love you." He whispered, hoping no one could hear us.

"I love you, too, Connor."

And with that, he took a slow jog toward his house so he could go get ready for work.

I took deep breaths to compose myself once again, before walking in the door. I was beyond frightened on what was waiting for me.

I creaked open the door, and tried to be as quiet as I could coming inside, trying to go unnoticed. Of course, the odds never go in my favor. I was too oblivious to recognize my surroundings, and I bumped into a brick wall.

Let me take that back, as much as it is similar to a brick wall, General Will's chest brought me out of my daze.

I sucked in a breath, and looked around me, only to realize I was in the kitchen. All my family members were sitting at the dining table with shocked and petrified faces. There was a new emotionless face that sat next to my mom in my seat, she screamed importance and royalty. I whipped my head toward the entry way, to see Soldier Adam and Soldier Steven leaning against the frame with irritated looks on both of their faces. There goes any chance of trying to escape.

Although the soldiers looked scary, I wasn't worried about them. I was more worried about the beast that stood in front of me. His lips held no emotion but the glint in his eyes gleamed annoyance and furiousity. I looked down, remembering my father told me to never look him in the eye. I tried to show no fear, but it became harder after every millisecond under his stare.

He started to growl, and I knew whatever he would say next, would be snappy and out of anger.

For the second time this morning, even though it wasn't in a playful way the way Connor toned it, I heard the dreadful words,

"You're late."

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