Stolen Kisses

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A/N: This is for getting 13,000 fans ;_; thank you so much, I love you all and HOLY HELL THIS TOOK AGES TO WRITE, I DESERVE A COOKIE :> (a vote/comment is also accepted <3)

This is different from anything I've ever written but I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless <3 

P.S. I feel the need to mention that ALL MY STORIES ALWAYS HAVE A HAPPY ENDING.



~*Stolen Kisses*~

I wiped the sweat from my brow and stared angrily into the hood of my car. I was stuck in the middle of nowhere with the hot sun bearing mercilessly down on me. My shirt was soaked, my dark hair slicked to my head and I felt like I'd been running a marathon for the past year. I walked around the annoying hood and picked up a bottle of water from inside the car, already gone warm because of the weather, cringing at the stale taste as I unscrewed the cap and took a large gulp.

Despite the unpleasant warmth of the liquid, it sated my thirst and parched throat a bit and I looked around the tarred road for any signs of life, hoping some car would come along and I could get help. I knew that was farfetched because I'd been driving down this same road for a couple hours now and the only sign of life I'd passed by was a wild animal skittering across the road and some old man riding on his bicycle. The man was probably at his home now – there was no way people rode that far.

I sighed and walked back around to the hood, staring forlornly at the smoking interior. I knew nothing about mechanics and everything in-front of me was a bunch of metal and wire that made absolutely no sense to me. The only thing I knew how to do was change the water out of my radiator to prevent the car from overheating – but then again, everyone that had a car knew that, didn't they?

My car wasn't overheating right now and I had enough fuel in it, so what the devil was the problem?

I glanced at my watch. It was three o'clock in the afternoon. My hotel was too far to walk back to and I didn't even know where I was going in the first place.

Told you not to go sightseeing alone, Tristan, I could almost hear my mother's snarky voice complaining in my head, you and your absent mind, you'd just wind up lost!

Well, I'll have you know that I survived fine for the past few days, I thought back to my imaginary mum, shutting the lid of the hood. I walked over and picked up my backpack which had my camera, some money, a couple of handkerchiefs, a notebook and a pen. Removing all the important files in the car and shoving them into my bag, I locked it and slung the backpack over my right arm, deciding that I'd better walk fast to the nearest town or village and get help or I might be stuck in the middle of the road for God knows how long.

I'd barely walked an hour before I was seriously contemplating lying down on the road and giving up. I was exhausted, dehydrated and my muscles were aching. So fine, I loved wildlife and the open trees and land and this was exactly why I'd used my break from University to travel to one of my favourite continents – Africa. I was currently in Nigeria – after visiting South Africa first of course. My first visit in Nigeria had been to Lagos, before I decided to visit Benin because I'd always been interested in their culture and history.

I'd left my hotel which happened to be in Benin, but now I had no idea where on earth I was.

I'd been driving carelessly, wanting to see more of what was outside the town and my absent curiosity had gotten me lost and with a dead car.

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