Chapter One: The Malfoy Manor

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Voldemort had become more dangerous over the years. All of his evil caught up to his physical appearance. The one thing that bothered him most was his skin. It was turning paler than usual, and his hair was thinning. He had ordered his most faithful servant and Death Eater, Severus Snape, to make a potion that would put an end to his condition.

The Malfoy Manor, 8:29 p.m.

"SEVERUS!" Voldemort bellowed.

"Yes, m-my l-lord?" Severus Snape turned from his cauldron to face his master.

"Well is it finished?!" Voldemort spat furiously.

"Nearly there...." Snape said with his jaw locked, barely moving his lips. You know, in the typical Snape-fashion.

His black robes swished around him as he added crushed snake fangs into the sickly white liquid that he was brewing.

"If you would have requested this sooner, it would have been completed...." Snape muttered to his bubbling, boiling cauldron.

"Levicorpus!" Voldemort hissed. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO THE DARK LORD IN THAT MANNER!"

"M-my l-lord! I was simply (and foolishly) talking to my c-c-cauldron!" Snape stuttered, hanging upside down inches above the hissing cauldron.

"Lies....." Voldemort said in Parseltongue. He released Snape who landed with a thud on the floor. "Finish....or you'll regret it," He said coldly.

"Y-yes master...." Snape stood up uneasily. Voldemort eyed him suspiciously, watching every move he made. Snape moved nervously, looking back at him now and then.

Snape gave the cauldron one last stir with his wand and it let off a final hiss. He barely finished putting a stopper on the vial with the potion when Voldemort summoned it with magic.

Sneering, he unstopped it and drank it abnormally fast. His face twitched and he dropped the vial, which shattered.

Voldemort sank to his knees, shuddering.

"My l-lord!" Snape gasped.

"NO-" Voldemort held out his hand to stop Snape.

"M-my lord, I must see," Snape stepped closer.

"No..." Voldemort said raspily. But after a while of muttering to himself, he lifted up his head.

His usually pale skin had turned eerily white. The edges of his irises brimmed with red. The last of his hair had fallen out. He was ugly.

Voldemort finally stood up. "Leave now. I have some business with old Albus I must take care of."

"Yes s-sir." Snape packed up his cauldron and potion ingredients. Voldemort's eyes followed him until he left the room.

"Ah, Severus. Staying for dinner, I hope?" Lucius Malfoy stood up from the elegant black dining table, which seated his wife Narcissa, his son Draco, Bellatrix Lestrange, and his other fellow Death Eaters Antonin Dolohov, Yaxley, and Fenrir Greyback. "Bellatrix has made frog legs-"

A cold, high voice swept over them. "I'm sorry to say Severus will not be joining you for dinner, he has failed me again. I must be going, I have a meeting now." Snape shivered as Voldemort said his name.

"Farewell to you all..." He said and disapparated.


How ya likie it guys?! :D (xxmagicalwriter here) ANYway leave a comment! THX for reading! YOu ROCK if u READ THIS! :) <3 (jk u rock anyway (;) BYE!!!

(p.s. I know some of tha facts arent right! Thats why its called a fan (PERSON) fiction (FAKE) ! (:)

~~~~~~~Alyssa =)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2011 ⏰

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