The choice

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With her black leather outfit suited to perfection, Aria was ready to complete her mission. Her long, black hair curled to add just the right touch. She slipped her fake weapons on her hip holsters and started to pack her bag. She grabbed her real throwing knives, real daggers, and made her way out of her room. Her leader nodded to her as she made her way down the hallway. All of the men in her platoon saluted her as she finally made it to the front door.

"Here are your keys. Don't come back empty handed, Hadler." His breath smelled of whiskey and tabacco. Must have been a long night for her weary leader. His five o'clock shadow was very defined on his pale face. His lips were chapped, and the circles around his deep brown eyes made it seem like he hasn't slept in ages. He pats her on the back and she salutes him before exiting the building. She got into a red mini cooper, and took off down the road. Her mission played through her head over and over again. This mission wasn't like any of her other missions she's been on. She's helped assassinate political leaders from all over the world, but her next assignment would be her toughest one yet.

She pulled into the parking lot of the overly packed pavillion. She saw several people dressed up like she was, but not in the same sense. They were pretending, while her outfit was real. She was real. These fools, they merely wanted to be like her, but they would never make it in her line of work. They dress as characters from their favorite shows, movies, that sort of thing. It's quite repulsive. She makes her way to the front of the building and she pulls out her ticket to Comic Con. She has no clue what this stands for or means, but this is the easiest way to get to her target. She makes her way through the front door and the atmosphere of it all is terrifying. Children running amuck, wearing ridiculous outfits. Grown men dressed to look like super stars, when they really should be wearing more clothing. Women wearing dresses and outfits that show way too much skin, and surprising enough, they didn't seem to mind the glances they got from passers by. In fact, they encouraged people to take pictures with them and even kissed a few! There were booths of many sorts set up in a strange, maze like pattern. Clothing, food, jewelry, weaponry, and all sorts of collectibles could be found at a number of these places. But this was not her interest. Her interest was him. She pushed through hundreds of people, trying to get to the area labeled "photo booth." She saw several tents in which a small line was dweldling down to nothing. That must be it, she thought. She rushed over and showed the kind lady up front her picture credit slip. The lady smiled at her and motioned for Aria to step inside. The poor women has no clue she's letting an actual assassin near here client. Aria smiled a devious smile and put on her poker face.

They held the blue curtain back for her and she stepped inside. There stood her target, the man she was destined to kill, but not just yet. First, she had to set the stage. She sauntered up to him and before he could even smile, she wrapped her arm around his waist and looked at the camera with a magnificent grin.

"Well, she is quite the confident one." Tom chuckled lightly as he smiled at the camera as well. They took the picture and she pinched his side lightly, winking at him before making her way past a security guard. He looked at her and nodded. As they slipped past each other, he handed her a note. The curtain behind her fell back down and she read it.

"His assistant is by the photo retrieval station. You'll know him when you see him." The note read. Her informant. Good job, for a man who looked like he couldn't harm anything but a plate of donuts. She made her way around the tent and to a table not far off that was rigged up with printers and all sorts of technology.

"This one, must be for the beautiful young women here." A man said. He was smiling ear to ear, his teeth were just too perfect. He had blue eyes and his hair was just too dark to match his eye brows. Either it's been altered, or his hair is just strange.
"Well, I don't know about beautiful. But I don't mind taking a compliment. Especially from a man like you." She winked and took her photo, making sure to let her hands linger an extra amount of time around his. His breath started to quicken and he chuckled lightly. He let go and fixed his tie, making his outfit seem more safisticated than it actually was.
"So, you came to see Tom? Yeah, I'm kind of his side kick ya know?"
"Oh really? It must be hard, keeping a man such as him in line all of the time. What with all of his "fangirls" or whatever they are called." She smirks.
"So you aren't one of them I see?"
"No, I only took this photo to prove to my sister that he is actually Tom Hiddleston, not Loki. She thought that the real Loki was coming to the city, to destroy us. Children. I swear." She chuckles, when he really has no idea of her true intentions.
"No doubt. Say, do you want to maybe grab a drink in a few hours, when this is all over?"
"Why, are you asking me out?" She shimmys just a little and leans over the table.
"I uh, maybe. I have to stay close to Tom, so maybe you could meet me at the hotel bar where we are staying?" His breath was hot and he was holding it as she moved closer to him. She took the pen from his dress shirt pocket, a piece of paper from the table and wrote her number down.
"Call me when your not having to babysit." She grabs his tie, pulls him forward, and kisses his cheek lightly. Letting her lips linger for a moment around his ear. She stuffs the pen and the note into his pocket, and leaves him leaning over the table with a happy expression plastered on his face. He has no idea what he just did.

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