Chapter 1

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BEEP BEEP BEEP BE- Lyric's alarm cut off suddenly as she halfheartedly pounded her fist on it, turning it off and groaning. Cracking open her eyes and rubbing the sleep from her face, she groaned and rolled back over. Another day Lyric, she thought to herself. One day closer to the one when you get out of here. For good.
Sighing, she pulled the covers off her and swung her legs over the side of the bed, standing and shuffling to her closet. After about ten minutes of careful consideration, she finally decided on a loose pale blue sweater, skinny jeans, and some faded tan combat boots. She pulled her hair into a messy yet still somewhat uniform bun, and applied light makeup. Looking in the mirror one last time, she took a deep breath and left the relative safety of her room.
The instant the door closed behind her, she had shove the rising fear back down into a deep, dark corner of herself, and put up the wall she had so carefully constructed over the years. Lyric slipped down the hall quietly, not wanting to wake up her dad and
step-mom, and stepped into their small kitchen.
"Well it's about time, what do you do in there every morning, negotiate peace with the god-damn Middle East?" The words, while said jokingly, had a mocking tone to them. Lyric snorted softly and brushed past her younger brother, Sam. He was wearing his usual getup, a tee with jeans and his signature dress shoes he wore everywhere, and his slightly wavy brown hair hung over his grey flecked, dark green eyes. She cast him an annoyed glance as she reached up and grabbed a box of cereal from the cabinet, along with a bowl. As she set them both on the counter and turned toward the fridge, she said, "Maybe it wouldn't take me so long to get ready if society would simply reduce the amount of pressure that is put on teen girls to look flawless." Sam rolled his eyes and scoffed, but she could see the hint of a smile on his lips.
As she closed the fridge door, milk now in hand, and turned back to the bowl and cereal, she paused and looked at Sam for a moment. Only two years younger than her, a high school sophomore, Sam was filling out, his jaw becoming more prominent, his muscles taking on more of a tone. Lyric didn't like to admit it, but he really was growing up. And the older he got, the more he seemed to alienate himself from her.
"Lyric," he sighed, "you're staring at me again." She huffed, turning back to her bowl and shaking some cereal from its plastic bag into it. "No I wasn't." She closed the box again and unscrewed the milk. "Yes, you were. You always stare at me now, and you look so sad. It's freaking me out." Lyric's jaw clenched as she poured the milk into her bowl, then screwed the cap back onto the carton. She turned to glare accusingly at Sam, muttering, "Maybe I wouldn't be so concerned if you'd just talk to me every now and then. Like you used to." She pulled open the fridge and put away the milk, then grabbed a spoon from the adjacent drawer and picked up her bowl. Sam just stared at the floor as she walked by, so Lyric didn't feel the need to try and make any more conversation.
Just get to school, she repeated in her head like a mantra. It will be better at school. All you have to do is get to school. She was just finishing her cereal when she heard the creak of her fathers bed, sending a jolt of terror through her. She closed her eyes and collected herself. Standing up and putting her empty bowl in the sink. Sam was now staring at the door to their dads room with wide yet hard eyes, waiting. Lyric put a steadying hand on his shoulder, but when he didn't relax, she pulled away. With her head down, she walked towards the bathroom down the hall. Past her fathers door. She tried not to be afraid as she passed by, and had to stop herself from sighing in relief when she was able to slip into the bathroom before her dad left his room. She picked up her toothbrush and squeezed some toothpaste onto it, and then brushed her teeth. As she leaned down to the tap to rinse her mouth, she saw a shadow in the corner of her eye, standing in the doorway. Doing her best not to react, she rinsed and turned to see her father standing there, eyeing her with disdain. She cleared her throat, standing a bit straighter and said, "Good morning, Sir." She tried not to fidget as he sneered as slurred, "Go give your bullshit to your brother Lyric, I'm not dealing with it this morning." Lyric ducked her head and scurried out of the bathroom, making a beeline for the living room, next to their small kitchen/dinning area. "Sam, let's go," she called, and her brother strode into the room with her. "Lyric?" He questioned, but after taking one look at her face, the way she carried herself, understanding flashed in his eyes. He followed silently as they picked up their bags from beside the couch and walked out the front door.
They walked together in silence, though Lyric's thoughts were screaming. He hates me. He hates me and I haven't done anything to deserve it but look like Mom. He hates me because she's dead and I'm alive and it doesn't even matter that I'm his DAUGHTER! The more the though echoed in her mind, the more she knew it was true. With her delicate cheekbones and honey blonde hair, right down to her amber-brown eyes, she was the spitting image of her mother, and she cursed God every day for it. The more she mulled over this fact the stronger the stinging behind her eyes became, until finally, a tear slipped down her cheek and splattered on the ground. And just like always, Sam did nothing but keep walking.

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