She's A Dime

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"How was visiting your parents?" Roman asked as they drove up and down the block looking for the car in question.

Kim's eyes focused on the window, and the world as it passed by.

Roman looked over at her, it was obvious she wasn't listening to him "So, I was thinking I'd get one of those mail order brides, and just get married at city hall, that sound good?"

"Yea..sure" Kim said quickly, his words finally registering with her, "wait...what?"

Roman shrugged, "What's up? You haven't said more than a few words, and our shift is nearly over."

She blew out a puff of air, "Ruzek has a date" she spit out, "and I'm.."

"Jealous. You're jealous, aren't you?" Sean asked her. He was pissed at Ruzek and had told him as much. The idea of Ruzek having a date didn't make much sense, the guy was miserable.

Kim huffed, "Yes, I'm jealous" she finally admitted, "it hurts too, how can he be dating already?" Her sister had tried to get her to go out with some guy she worked with but Kim couldn't do it. She loved Adam still, she always would.

It just wasn't enough, she wasn't enough for him.

"You're coming..right?" Kevin asked as he shut his locker, and glanced over at Adam who was busy on his phone.

Adam nodded, "Yea, I've got plans, but I'm coming"

Kevin eyed his suspiciously, "Plans?"

"Yes" Adam shut his locker. "Just leave it alone, alright?"

"Whatever" Kevin huffed, "See ya"

Kim couldn't help it, her curiosity was suffocating her. She needed to see the chick Adam was meeting tonight, as much as it pained her she needed to do this.

Sean had tried to talk her out of it, that nothing good would come from it but she couldn't explain it, she just had to see her.

"This is crazy Kim" Sean said as he glanced around the bar, "What makes you think he'll show up here?"

Kim leaned on the table, "He will, this is the only place within thirty miles that has his favorite beer on tap. He'll be here" she took a sip of her wine and focused on the door.

She sat low in the booth, that way when he finally did arrive he wouldn't see her, at least she hoped he wouldn't.

Adam checked his messages again, their plans had changed and Amber was going to meet him at Molly's.

"Hey Adam!" Amber called out as she picked up her pace, "crazy day" she smiled as she kissed his cheek and hugged him, "I hope you haven't been waiting too long" she remarked as he held the door open for her.

"Nah, not too long" he smiled, "I know how it is, work doesn't stop for us, huh?"

She laughed, "you've got that right" she was a trauma nurse over at Chicago Med.

She swatted at his arm, "He's here" she whispered.

Sean turned to look over his shoulder, "Don't look!" Kim commanded.

He couldn't help but chuckle, "Jesus, Kim. You can't tell me he's here and not expect me to look" he reasoned.

Kim groaned, "She's beautiful" she couldn't help but notice how she had her arm looped through Adam's, her heart broke as Adam turned and smiled at the woman on his arm.

His smile was what she loved most about him, his smile could light up a room. His smile brought her to her knees, she hated that the smile he was wearing now wasn't for her.

"She's hot" Sean announced, "A serious dime"

Kim curled her lip, "That's disgusting Sean, she's not a piece of meat"

He held his hands up in defeat, "I know that..I'm just saying she's hot"

Kim couldn't help but agree with her best friend, the woman with Adam was beautiful, she was tall and blonde. The perfect girl to be on Adam Ruzek's arm, Kim always felt Adam was out of her league and now she couldn't help but wonder if it was true.

That Adam had just grown tired of her and knew he could do better.

"How's work?" Amber asked through a mouthful of peanuts.

"It's work" Adam offered scanning the faces in the bar, he couldn't help but hope he'd see Kim among the faces. He knew it was a long shot but he hadn't seen her in weeks and he missed her. He had never missed someone as much as he missed her, it was like half of his heart was gone. He longed for her, he needed her like he needed oxygen.

"Life? How's that?" Amber continued her line of questioning.

Adam groaned and leaned back in the chair, lifting two legs off the ground, "Life sucks..but you knew that already..didn't you?"

Amber smirked, "I had to ask Adam. What're you gonna do? You going to mope around forever...or you gonna have some fun?" She reached across the table and rested her hand on his forearm.

"Amber...don't" Adam muttered.


Short I know but things'll start moving next chapter and I hope to finish it this weekend.

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