A New Purpose

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Welcome to my update-book. This part, however, is dedicated to something else. The fact that this is not my first username, my old one, why I changed it, and what the future of this account will be. 

My first username was "xSallySparrow." I created this account, originally, to vent my feelings about all my favorite books. Normally I could just talk to my friends about it, but when I created it; I didn't have friends who liked to read, or, if they did, they didn't like the same things I did. So, I vented in the only way I knew how: writing. This just happened to fall into the category of fanfiction. 

I'd never tried writing fanfiction before, but it was not my first time in the writing universe. My only previous experience was original works, jotting down ideas that seemed to come to me randomly. During my time of writing fanfiction, writing original work sort of took a back seat. I didn't forget about it, as I convinced myself that writing my fanfiction was a way to practice my writing style.

It wasn't entirely false. My writing style has greatly improved, and I've learned much through it. Although I still believe that my writing could be much better; so do a lot of authors. 

In a way, I'm glad that I spent all that time on fanfiction. I think I've got that 'phase' out of the way. 

Alright, now that all that's out of the way, the question still lingers; what happens now? 

My fanfiction urge has vanished and has been replaced, once more, with my urge to write original works. After all, fanfiction doesn't get published, right? ... Oh, wait, that's happened before? 


I will start posting original works here. I'm giving you a lot of trust, Wattpad. Don't take it for granted.

Looking at copyrighters: I don't want it to result in legal measures any more than you do. So, let's not even start down that road, shall we? 

With this new stepping stone for me, I'm expecting feedback more than ever. I know it's inevitable to have ghost readers. Maybe you don't want to comment because you're shy; I'll still encourage you to do so (I don't bite) but I can't force you to. I will at least ask you all to vote. Borrowing this from a story I saw, to help inform people... 

For those of you who may not know; a "vote" is when you click the little star on any chapter (it'll turn from grey to gold!). On Wattpad, votes are very important for a story to do well and potentially get discovered. So if you enjoy any of my stories, PLEASE consider supporting it with a simple click of the chapters that you like. Each star means more hope of making my dream of becoming a author come true. 

I hope to update this with stories very often, but I promise nothing. I was never one for update schedules as life gets in the way and sometimes I just have difficulty writing when I have the time because I'm not feeling in the mood. If you don't like it; sorry, I'm not going to stress myself over it. I write because I enjoy it. I'll worry about meeting deadlines when I actually am an author and need to.

With that said, if any authors have tips for being better at update schedules or just getting in the mood to write that story when you have time; don't be afraid to contact me. I need the advice, I think. 

That's it for this part. I'll try and keep this book mainly for big updates for my stories; smaller ones can be for the 'conversations' part of my profile. 

Keep an eye out, world. I'm comin'.

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