Chapter 21

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I got back to my house and realized no one was home. I shrugged and began to put the groceries away. I had just shut the fridge when I heard the floor boards creak. I smirked and cracked my fingers and neck. Okay. I see how this is gonna go.

I walked into the living room innocently and caught sight of someone to the right. I immediately spun around.

"DYÄTÉ!" I screamed aiming my hands at the person. They yelped as they went flying. I gasped as I realized who it was.

"Oh! I'm sorry Alex!" I said waddling over to him. I made a sweeping motion with my hand and he was suddenly upright again. He smiled.

"You're getting better." He smiled. He leaned in for a kiss but I flicked my wrist and he was frozen in place.

"What the hell?" He exclaimed. I smirked.

"You've been treating me like shit for too long. So now you can SIT." I commanded. His body dropped into a sitting position.

"Stay." I smirked walking away. He growled.

"You can't leave me here!" He screamed as I walked up the steps slowly.

"Landon will be here at 5:30, Jesse, my Lamaze teacher, will be here at 6 along with his girlfriend maybe, we're having class until 7, then afterwards, dinner. If you can behave until dinner and sit there quietly, I'll let you eat with us. Understood?" I said smiling. He clenched his teeth.

"Yes." He growled. I smirked.

"Yes.." I trailed off. He growled and attempted to thrash.

"'am." He spat. I giggled and went upstairs. Time for a nice long shower.


I skipped down the steps after showering and hanging out in my room just as the doorbell rang.

"Nothing but nice things okay baby?" I said before I opened the door. He clenched his teeth but nodded.

"And Alex?" I said as a second thought. He glared at me.

"What?" He asked warily. I smiled lightly.

"I love you." I said quietly. He huffed.

"I love you too." He grumbled. I smiled and swung open the door.

"Landon! You really came! Come in." I smiled. He stepped and his eyes immediately found Alex, sitting cross legged on the floor. Still frozen. He chuckled nervously.

"Hey man. What's up?" He asked biting his nails. Alex started to glare but calmed his face.

"Oh you know, just sitting around. I would love to go to the bathroom." He said looking at me pointedly. I rolled my eyes.

"Make yourself at home Landon!" I announced I flicked my wrist and Alex relaxed. He shot up and ran up the steps. I chuckled.

"He really had to pee." Landon commented lightly. I laughed loudly and nodded walking into the kitchen. I got out a block of cheese and began slicing it into pieces. I gave him a few and are some myself. Saving 5 slices for Alex.

I stepped into the living room.

"Come down here Xavier." I commanded. He begrudgingly appeared at the top of the steps.

"Please don't make me." He said groaning. I flicked my wrist and he began walking down the steps. He groaned as I forced him back into a sitting position. I went and got the cheese before carefully sitting down in front of him. I pushed a slice against his lips but he pursed them childishly.

"Don't be a baby. Eat the damn cheese." I scowled. He glared but opened his mouth, fangs extended. I laughed and pushed a piece into his mouth. After feeding him I called Landon in.

"Jesse should be here any second. Landon is going to be my partner. Okay Alex?" I confirmed. He nodded absently looking at the ceiling. I moved my hand discreetly and he began to launch back. He glanced at me thankfully. That look broke me. I sighed and snapped my finger. He immediately got up and kissed me.

"That's for earlier." He said smiling. I shrugged smiling back. A knock interrupted us.

"He's early." I commented lightly. Alex helped me up and walked to the door with me. I opened it to reveal someone I didn't recognize. I smiled lightly.

"Can I help you?" I asked politely.

"Maybe." He said. His eyes flashed yellow. I backed up a few steps holding my stomach. He went to step forward but Alex let rip a growl so loud it shook my bones. I glanced at Landon who was seemingly in shock. The werewolf at the door stumbled back in fear before taking off.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked shutting the door quickly. I nodded as I felt a push in my stomach. He looked to Landon who looked extremely scared.

"What the hell was that? AND WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!?" He cried out. Sigh. Here we go.

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