Shy Stuttering: TFP!Optimus x Shy!Human!Reader

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Requested by @darknesswithin10

Hope you enjoy this. There may be a bit of reader X Ratchet. But only for a second.

Also, there may be a bit of strong language...

"*Softly Gasps* N-No t-thank y-you!" Said a shy, startled (Y/n) after she suddenly heard the familiar baritone voice behind her. She then turned around and started to slowly backed away from a towering, but crouching Optimus. "C-Can't I just t-take the g-ground b-bridge home?"

"I'm afraid not. For the ground bridge is unable to function properly at the moment," Optimus answered the stuttering girl below him.

'Damn it. And damn you groundbridge,' Thought (Y/n) as she clenched the hood of her very light (f/c) sweatshirt (the hood was also on your head- so you were clenching it against your head).

Although (Y/n) may speak in a stuttering, shy mess, her mind is the exact opposite.

But long story short, Ratchet was busy and couldn't drive (Y/n) home since he was her guardian. And Optimus just said why Ratchet was busy (fixing the groundbridge) and that he (Optimus) would drive her home.

"U-umm...I-I d-don't want to bother y-you w-with bringing m-me home. I-I can just w-walk home. T-There's no h-harm getting exercise, r-right?" (Y/n) tried to reason.

"*Huff* The walk to your home should be so enjoyable," Ratchet said sarcastically from the control panel as he turned and faced (Y/n) and Optimus. "If you like to be in a 101 degree area for about 40 minutes as you begin to get severe sunburns every 5 minutes,"

"Heh heh. S-So you d-do c-care for me R-Ratchet?~" (Y/n) asked in a teasing way. Ratchet's optics became a bit more wider before he huffed and quickly turned back to his work.

Fortunately for him, you didn't see the blue tinge across his face.


Optimus did.

Optimus unnoticeably narrowed his optics at Ratchets back for a few seconds before turning back to (Y/n) like he didn't do anything.

"Let us take our leave before the heat becomes more severe," He suggested before lowering his servo to the ground in front of her.

'FUCK!' (Y/n) cursed at herself to in her mind for not thinking of another excuse. She quietly sighed and climbed up on Optimus's outstretched hand.

Once Optimus had (Y/n) situated in his servo, he carefully transformed around her so she ended up in the passenger seat.

"Are you forgetting anything?" Optimus asked (Y/n) before he 'started up'.

"Uhh...n-no. I d-don't think s-so..umm..
*checks pockets*..u-umm..I-it looks l-like I-I have e-everything.." (Y/n) answered.

"Then I assume that that bag on the 'couch' is not yours?" Optimus says. Apparently, he still isn't used to some human terms.

"Eh?" (Y/n) looks out of Optimus's window to see Miko's backpack on the couch. "Aw scrap! M-Miko forgot h-her backp-pack!" She then opened Optimus's door and ran up the stairs to Miko's backpack.

Meanwhile, Optimus was quiet as he replayed the words that came out of (Y/n) mouth:

'Oh Scrap!'

What surprised him more, was that she didn't stutter that phrase.

"Ok t-then," (Y/n) hopped back in Optimus's passenger seat with Miko's backpack in her lap. And closed Optimus's passenger door. "I-I'm ready t-to go!" She then smiled at Optimus steering wheel.

Optimus quickly 'started up' and sped out of base.

After driving on the main road for four minutes, Optimus spoke up.

"Where have you learned that word?"

"Huh? W-What word?" (Y/n) asked confused.

"...*quietly sighs*...scrap..."

"O-Oh! U-Ummm...w-well y-you s-see, u-umm..." (Y/n) started to fidget. "W-Well...I-He u-umm.....I-I m-might have learned a-a f-few n-new words f-from u-umm....R-Ratchet w-when he i-is u-upset...."

For once, Optimus didn't know how to respond to that.

"U-umm...Optimus?" (Y/n) nervously spoke up.

"...from now on, whenever Ratchet is in a bad mood and you need go somewhere, I will take you. And please refrain from using that kind of language again," Optimus said.

"U-Umm...o-ok. B-But d-don't get m-mad at R-Ratchet! H-he's old and o-old p-people are grouchy s-sometimes!" (Y/n) said.

"*Sigh* I suppose I won't....but only because your adorable when you stutter..." Optimus said without hesitating.

"O-O-Optimus!" Yelled a flustered (Y/n). She then hugged her knees to her chest in embarrassment.

"What? I'm not lying about that and I'm not ashamed to say it out loud either," Optimus said with, surprisingly, a hint of smugness in his voice. "It's true,"

"S-So are y-your j-just gonna s-say something l-like that in f-front o-of the D-Decepticons when y-you fight them a-and I-I h-happen to b-be there?!" (Y/n) asks while still being flustered.

"....are you suggesting?"


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