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The smell of fresh blood filled the air as the doctors rushed through the hospital halls, gripping onto the handles of the stretcher like their lives depended on it. Well, not their's, but someone else's.

The coppery, crimson liquid leaked out of the boy's stomach as his chest began to move less and less. His pulse began to slow and the doctor's increased their speed, reaching the designated room and putting the boy onto a hospital bed.

"He's going to need major stitches," One of the doctors said as he examined the huge gash on the boy's stomach.

"He won't need stitches at all if his heart stops beating," The other doctor snapped as he felt the boy's nearly gone pulse. "His pulse is extremely weak, give me an AED!"

The first doctor, Doctor Yang, tossed the electric defibrillators to him, the second one running them together and charging them up. Yang quickly removed the boy's stained black shirt, revealing his bloody, muscular chest.

"Clear!" The second doctor, Doctor Ripley, yelled as he pressed the two  defibrillators down on the boy's chest, sending shocks through his body. Nothing happened.

"Try again," Yang said as he looked at the boy's heart-rate monitor he had just hooked up, his heartbeat continuing to grow weaker until it was barely anything.

Ripley charged the AED up again as pressed it down on the boy's chest once more. After another electric shock, no progress was made.

A long beeping sound was heard as the heart-rate monitor flatlined, the boy taking one last breath before his entire body went stock-still. Yang and Ripley exchanged a defeated look as they stood before the boy. They turned to examine him.

His tan skin was littered with cuts and bruises, scarlet stains covering his body. His usual platinum blonde hair was full of red, dried blood taking hold of many of the strands. If you opened the boy's eyes you would see two deep onyx irises that had once been so full of hope and life, now dead. The worst part was that the kid was only seventeen years old and had already seen more horrors than a common man would ever see in his entire lifetime.

Yang signed and pulled out his watch, taking a quick look over at the kid's file.

"Name; Francis Barton. Time of death; 3:36 AM."

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