My life is a nightmare.
I live in constant fears,
I always hide my tears.
There is always questions in my head ,
Even when I'm asleep in bed.
I'm afraid to say something,
Because at the end you would give out to me for nothing.
You make yourselves look so perfect,
By making me feel worthless.
You take my happiness away,
Even my friends don't want to stay.
You are the cause of my depression and the angry thoughts,
You don't realise the problems that you have brought.
All the hurtful words you said to me,
They will be replying in my head for eternity.
Why can't you be happy for who I am?
Oh, I just remembered you don't give a damn.
Next time, you ask how I feel,
Don't believe me because the words that comes out my mouth isn't real.
Forgotten And Alone.
PoetryThis are poems that I wrote myself. I express my feelings through writing and if you relate to my poems.... I hope it gets better.