questions for you and self convo and my answers to my questions

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Questions for you.

1) if I was dead who'd be happy how many peopled be happier and who'd care

2) am I ugly

3) am I annoying

4) dose ALMOST everyone hate me

5) am I fat

6) why ain't I dead

7) why am I even here

8) can I get shot.

9) suicide?

10) who cares

Self convo

If I was dead. Who'd care would it matter would everyone be happier. Yeah. Am I ugly. Fuck yeah. Am I really annoying. Yep. Dose everyone almost just hate me. Mostly. Am I fat? Yeah. That's what my mom said. Why am I not dead. Cause god ain't killed me yet. Why am I here. I'm only ruining peoples lives its true I have no other reasons. Can someone shoot me. I asked they all said no. Suicide? If I got a chance I would. Who one that I can think of.


1) everyone

2) yes

3) yes

4) yeah almost

5) yes

6) who knows

7) I have no reason to be idk

8) yes I can. If I want to and I do

9) yes if I get a chance

10) no one

There you go. Basically how I feel about myself and how I feel others feel about Me. And the song is life worth living? Not in my opinion not in my situation anyway.

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