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The following incidedents I never wrote down the date for so I will separate each section in what I remember to be chronological order.


The Stone

One morning when dad was walking down the stairs a large stone, suddenly fell, from nowhere, into the downstairs hallway below him. He continued down the stairs, picked up the stone and told us about it with a smile when we came downstairs. He said it must have fallen out of one of the ridges on the underside of his shoe. But it really was quite large.

The Piano

This incident has happened more than once, but its hard to predict, and has not happened for a while now. Its hard to describe some of these incidents as you do not have knowelage of the weird positionings of rooms and windows in our house. But I will try my best to describe them so you can understand in these circumstances. There is a hallway with the main staircase running up one side of it, the right side, against the wall, leaving the other half of the hallway open. The wall it leans against is one of the walls to what we call the ‘piano room.’ Now sometimes, if me or scarlet goes in there and practices piano when the rest of the house is completely empty, we can hear clapping from on the stairs as if someone is sitting halfway up, listening to us and applauding. We both thought it was eachother and when we asked eachother about it we realised we had both heard it but neither of us had done it. We asked our parents too and they said it wasn’t them.

Its kinda nice I guess…

Shadow Man

So this is another one where the positioning of things needs some explaining.  Scarlets room and my room are both alongside a long hallway. It leads into the other big hallway that runs the length of the house and is like a 4 way cross section of scarlets room, our bathroom, and this little hallway that eventually leads to the attic. You kinda have to see it to understand it fully.   Anyway, I hope that is a good enough description. Anyway scarlets room has this random window that just shows out into the hallway, and from the large hallway you can see this wondow, reflecting the wall that is around the corner that leads to the attic.  Basically when your standing at the end of the big hallway you can see this weird little window reflecting the wall right next to you, but that you cant see around without turning the corner.

Now often when I would walk down the hallway I would freeze when I caught sight of the little window. I would see a dark refelction of a man, sometimes in a big hat, sometimes not, Standing against the wall, right next to me but just out of eyesight. I would stare at this reflection, which didn’t move, then dash past into scarlets room, only to see there was nothing there.

Knock Knock Knock

Mum and dad were in their office, below my room, I could hear them both talking, and I could see scarlet standing in her room through the doorway that connects our rooms.  There is noone else in our house apart from us 4. So you can imagine my horror. As I heard heavy footsteps running down the main hallway, and jumping into scarlets room, straight past her. There were 2 loud steps in her room, literally from right next to her, Where she was standing still, completely unaware. I was literally just opening my mouth to tell her what I had heard when there was a knock at one of my other doors, Ofcourse it was the one closest to the attic. It was slow, loud, deliberate knocking. ‘ knock, knock, knock.” Then a pause, then ‘knock, knock, knock.’ Again. I was unbeleiveably terrified, this was the first time it had shown a deliberate attempt to get my attention and it had worked. I told scarlet once it had stopped.

I recently saw ‘the conjuring’ which is a fucking terrifying but brilliant horror film and in it one character says that the pattern of three is meant as an insult to the holy trinity. I have no idea if this is completely made up for the film, or if it is taken from a believed fact, but if it is true…

“ knock, knock, knock.”

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