1-My news or his ...

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Hey people , just to let you know i own non of the characters or pll or whatever other people put 😂😂 Just a story that popped into my head so hope it turns out okay 😂😂

A month after 6x20 ...

Arias pov

I've been staying at Ezra's apartment place above the brew for the past month . Since we had gotten the amazing news from my boss , we had just seemed to become a thing . Like a boyfriend and girlfriend thing .

Now i have even better , more amazing (if that makes sense) news then my boss gave to me and Ezra - I'm pregnant !

A week ago , i started feeling sick all the time and i was late ! So to conclude my theory, i went to the store and brought like 5 tests as i didn't really know which one to get ! All of them turned out positive in some way :either double lines , a small plus sign or a 'positive'.

I'm so excited about it ! I cant wait to tell Ezra , but i don't know how he will react . He might feel like im forcing him to be in a relation ship with him just because im pregnant , and i don't want he to become all depressed again !

Well despite all of my concerns , im going to tell Ezra tonight , after he comes back from his staff meeting downstairs ! I've made a Hawaiian pizza for Ezra and a plain margarita pizza for me ! So i think we will eat dinner , then go sit down and put a film on , then i will tell him !

Hours later ...

"Aria thanks for dinner , that pizza was really good !"Ezra said enthusiastically as he finished his last slice .

"Its okay Ez !" I replied excited to tell him my news . I didn't quite finish all of my pizza so i went into the kitchen and wrapped it up so i can have some later .

"Hey , do you want to watch a film!" I squealed .

"Yeah , sure , how does the notebook sound !" He replied

"That sounds great !" i answered as i took my place on the couch .

Half way through the film , we began to kiss ( I know eww) , suddenly i stopped , knowing this would be a good time to tell Ezra .

"Ezra can i tell you something ," he froze looking worried "Im -"

And i was cut off by the blasting tune coming from Ezras phone . He grabbed it viciously and answered the phone .

"Hello ," he paused "yes that's me." , "omg really !", "where is she ?" , "okay im going to be there as soon as possible !"

I sat there clueless , not knowing what his conversation was about .

"She's alive ." Ezra whispered

Suddenly he began dashing around the apartment , throwing cloths around , toiletries and his passport !

"Ezra whats going on ?" I questioned .

"They've found Nicole , she's alive " He replied excited .

"So where are you going?" I questioned him again.

"To see her , i need to see her NOW !" he answered sternly .

How am i meant to tell him now !!!

"Bye Aria" he said about 10 minuets later before leaving and kissed me on my head "I love you ."

"I love you too , stay safe ." i whispered back , embracing him in a hug .

"Oh and im pregnant !" I spat out as he was going down the stairs .

He looked up at me with an annoyed face .

"Sorry Aria , i can't do this now , Nicole's alive and i need to see her . Im sorry but ill see you soon ."He responded as he walk away into the darkness ...

When they found Nicole ...Where stories live. Discover now