Chapter One The Girl

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7 in the morning I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. It's the first day of band camp and I'm dragging myself out of bed. "This is going to be great, five days of heat, exercise, and stupid people" I told myself sarcastically. I got dressed, grabbed my trombone, and waited for my mom so she could drive me to school. This would be my 3rd year of marching band.

I got to the band room a little early that morning. None of my friends were there yet, so I just stood in the back of the room on my phone waiting for camp to start. I would occasionally look at the door to see who was walking and I caught a glimpse of a girl. She had long curly brown hair, beautiful brown eyes, and an amazing smile. Trombone in hand she walked to a chair a sat her stuff down. She started searching the room for someone she knew so I dropped my gaze back down to my phone so she would notice my stare. I had a debate in my head on whether or not to go talk to her but before I decided she had found her friends, so I continued to look at my phone until my my cousin, Colt, walked into the band room, but he was quickly surrounded by sophomores so I went back to staring at my phone. Justin ,my best friend and the trombone section leader, was the last one from the section to arrive.

Mr. E called the band to attention and told us to meet with the freshman from our section. This was my chance to say hi to the girl, but before I went with the section Justin pulled me aside and talked to me about how he was going to need help teach both the new girls. While he spoke to me, my gaze would drift towards the freshman from our section. I felt attracted to her. " how can you be attracted to someone you haven't even met Lucas" I thought.

"Lucas are you listening, I really need your help today. We need to be the best section this year" Justin said, trying to get my attention.

"Yea, yea I got it" I said even though I ignored half of what he told me. We went to greet the newbies before heading outside to the practice field. "Hi, my name is Lucas" I told the girl trying to put on a smile

"I'm Luna" she replied. I nodded and we made our way to the practice field.

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