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I said it once and I'll say it again I hate the apocalypse. The apocalypse ruined my life!

It killed my family, my friends, and I feel like it's killing me as well. We'll I guess the apocalypse didn't kill one of my friends.

My friend May died not to long ago. I found her on a road, naked, her clothes were ripped off and she was laying in a pool of tears. She put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger.

Now I'm by myself, again, my family gone, friends gone, my humanity now gone. Now I am still walking this God damn road!

I stumbled by a wall with spray paint on it, and it read go away. Now the average person would've left but I'm very curious so I continued. I looked past the wall and I saw those burning things, still smoking.

The smell made me gag, I felt like I was about to lose my last week's lunch. I kept walking and saw what looked like traps but they were all broken it looked like.

I walked past all the broken bits of stuff on the floor and I heard a tin can move. I really don't have much to live for do I?

(These bolder parts are her singing)

There was a time when I was alone nowhere to go and no place to call home my only friend was the Man in the Moon and even sometimes he would go away too then one night as I close my eyes I saw shadow flying high he came to me with the sweetest smile told me he wanted to talk for a while he said Peter Pan that's what they call me promise that you'll never be lonely and ever since that day I am a Lost Boy from never land

I trailed off from my song when I saw a dark skinned man with a gun and also a stick.

"Why would you put yourself in danger like that?" The man asked "I knew you would be curious and I really don't have much to live for" I responded.

" what are you talking about?" The man asked " well the world is pretty much taken over by something usually in a horror movie".

There was silence between us then he spoke " what's your name?" I slowly looked up at him "Keira and you?"
I asked "Morgan" he said "you looked like you have your stuff all packed were are you going?"

It took him a few minutes before he talked again " do you know a man named Rick Grimes?" I shrugged "haven't heard of him, is that who your trying to find?" I asked

"Yes him and his group are at a prison a few miles away" " well that's where I'm heading to them" I smiled "what?" " well I've got nothing better to do and I've always wanted to see what the inside of a prison look like"

"Now hold on just one second here I don't even know anything about you" Morgan said stepping closer to me. "Well we can walk and talk, come on" I say nudging him "ok then fine you can tag along" I only smile and I wake beside him.

"Arn't you cold in that?" Morgan said pointing at my clothes. "What's the matter with a tank top and shorts".

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