Chapter 8

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Min Ah's POV

"Everyone let's line up and give the speech I told you guys to prepare"Coups said "What speech" I asked Young Min.. He shrugged.. "Shessh that's so much help" I said sassily to him tugging his hair a little "Noona that hurts" he said pinching my hand "yah" I said tugging his hair harder "Can you guys shut up" Minki who was leaning on my shoulder said "She started it first" Young Min said "Yahh you're older grow up a little" Minki said.. I stiffled my laughter.. "You shouldn't talk like that to people who are older than you" Young Min said glaring at Minki... "Shut up" me and Minki said at the same time.. "Twins" we said high fiving

The guys one by one gave their speech I was already crying cause I felt loved now was Seokmins turn "Krystal Min Ah Park such a beautiful name.. The name Krystal describe you so much.. Krystal is a very pretty and valuable thing, we have to take care of it properly cause it's fragile and worth so much just like you Min Ah, you're very pretty, even though you're tough and all your still fragile, you worth so much to me your an angel.. I love you so much.. I hope our friendship will last forever and I'm very thankful you were bored I want to see your mother and thank her for giving birth to you and thank your father for giving an angel from his sperm"he said without looking at any paper instead he was looking at me..

I jumped to him then kissed his cheeks.. All of us didn't expected that" Ahh mianhae it's just your speech was beautiful I love you so much " I said wrapping my hand on his neck.. I felt his hand embraced me.. I love this feeling so much his warmth radiating to me giving me a comfortable at home feeling.. Both of us didn't pull away I don't want to I want this feeling to last forever..

I heard someone coughing,both of us pulled away blushing.. I saw Coups was coughing "Awww you ruined the moment" Jeonghan said slapping Coups shoulder "Great move hyung I thought the both of them was stocked together " Seungkwan said. I glared at him.."One last hug? " Seokmin asked me.. I nodded he hugged me again..

" Let's play truth or dare" Jun said.. All of us cheered "Let's start from the youngest" Jun said looking at me and Minki "Wait who's older?? Min Ah or Minki??" he asked me "I'm younger" I said "Still the youngest" he said giggling.. I rolled my eyes "Truth or dare" he asked "Truth" I said "Tell us your bias list in seventeen" he said smirking "YAHH" I screamed at him "it's okay we won't take it to heart" Seungkwan said "Sure you won't" I mumbled.

"OK I'll pick my ultimate bias the first one is Lee Seokmin "I said blushing he went to me then hugged me.." Second one is dugun dugun dugun "I said teasing them.. Hoshi went to the front "Hong Joshua " I said giggling as I walked past Hoshi.. Me and Joshua high fived "The third one is S. Coups" I said in a bored tone "yahh why do you sound bored" he said pouting.. I giggled "Fourth is the one and only Wen Junhui" I said he went to me grinning saying "Xie xie" "Fifth is NAEGA HOSH"I screamed then went to him hugging him like we received an award "Min Ah I believe in our performance team loyalty" Dino said.. I just giggled

"Sixth and seventh are the meanie couple" I said the both of them walked towards me linking their hand together "Eight is DINO" I screamed his name.. The both of us did our handshake.. "Ninth is the one and only Xiao Minghao" I said.. "The performance team is already completed" Seungkwan said sulking "Yahh you said you won't take it to heart" I said "Ahh ani gwenchana I'll just change your first position in my bias list with vernon" he said.. "Hey wasn't I your bias??" Vernon said "Awkward" I said laughing with Seokmin high fiving him.. Eventhough I like him doesn't mean I'm nervous around him all the time.. "The tenth is Jihoonie." I said he gave us a smug face..

"The eleventh is our angel Yoon Jeonghan "I said.. He jumped happily cheering he's not the last.. We laughed seeing his reaction.." YAH Krystal seriously I can't lose to this "Vernon said to me pointing to Seungkwan "Her name is Min Ah not Krystal she's Korean KOREAN she was bored in Daegu" Seungkwan said" Technically my name is Krystal but I actually prefer Min Ah"i said playing with my non existing beard "Okay Min Ah between the both of us who's your choice" Seungkwan said "I'll never lose to you" Vernon said "YAH the both of you are at the same level already it doesn't matter I'm the winner I'm in her heart" Seokmin said hugging my shoulder..

"You ungrateful horse" Seungkwan said.. That made all of us laughed "The one who got 12 place in my heart is.. VERNONIE" I screamed his name.. Vernon pushed Seungkwan aside.. Seungkwan holders heart then pretend his dying.. "How could you Min Ah I'll get my revenge" he said.. Then closed his eyes.. I went to him then fake cry on his chest "This is all my fault noo" I screamed.. All of us laughed happily

End of chapter 10


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