Meeting Kathleen

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Stanford University

After hunting with his family for years, Sam Winchester decided that the hunting life wasn't what he wanted for himself in his future. After applying to Stanford and being accepted, Sam decided to leave that life behind him. Upon finding out John Winchester made it clear to him to never come back if he went away. Deciding that he wanted a normal, something he'd always desired, Sam left to pursue his future.


After arriving on campus, Sam was wondering around trying to locate his dorm room. While looking at the map he carried in his hands, Sam accidentally ran into a girl, who happened to be looking at her own map.

Getting up after they'd both fallen, they scrambled to pick up the things they had dropped. While also apologizing profusely.

"I'm so so sorry!" Sam exclaimed to the girl.

"No I'm sorry! I should really be looking where I'm going!" Exclaimed the girl in reply.

Looking up Sam got his first glimpse of the girl. She had long blonde hair and creamy skin, her eyes were a chocolatey brown.

"Ha, how about we agree we both should watch where were going from now on..." Sam nervously laughed, while also blushing.

"Sounds like a plan. I'm Kathleen Rogers by the way" said the girl while smiling up at Sam.

"Oh I'm Sam" Sam uttered, returning the smile.

"There a last name in there? Or are u going to make me guess?" Kathleen joked.

"Oh uh sorry. Winchester! Sam Winchester." Sam exclaimed blushing.

"Like the rifle?" Kathleen laughed.

"Yeah" Sam laughed along. "So are you knew here too?"

"Yeah actually. I'm studying art...drawing and painting to be more specific. What about you?" Kathleen asked.

"That's cool. Um I'm studying law actually" Sam said.

"Wow that's amazing" Kat exclaimed generally interested. Looking down she noticed the time, and realized she had somewhere she had to be. "Look I really have to find my dorm, but here's my number, so maybe we can meet up and continue this conversation later...?" Kathleen asked as she wrote her number on Sam's hand.

"Oh of course I'd love to. I'll call...promise" Sam said smiling at Kat.

"Well ok then I hope to see you soon" Kathleen stated and waved while walking toward her dorm.

1 year after Sam and Kathleen met.

After that first meeting Sam and Kathleen continued to meet up. They became closer each time they met, becoming the closest of friends.

Throughout their meetings Sam found they had a common interest in reading and school. Both had had a hard life growing up and found a safe haven in their school work. Both were very smart for their age, and took enjoyment in hanging out together. However, after a year of knowing each other, Sam felt he needed to be completely honest about his past. Even though his father had warned him many times to keep their life a secret. Sam couldn't allow himself to move forward in his friendship without being completely honesty. Little did he know Kathleen's past was quite similar to his.


Sam and Kathleen were sitting in his dorm watching Terminator when all of a sudden Sam pauses the movie to talk to Kathleen. Turning  to Sam, Kathleen looks confused on why he'd paused the movie.

"What's up Sam?" Kathleen questioned.

"Um...Kathleen I have to...I have to be honest with you. I know I've never really shared a lot of my past with you, but I know if we going to continue to be friends I need to be honest with you. And you're probably going to think I'm batshit crazy...but I...I just need you to listen until I'm finished..." Sam said.

"Ok but Sam, trust me I know crazy and I'm pretty sure nothing you said could be stranger than the things I've seen" Kathleen explained.

"Ok...I just hope you'll still want to be friends after this...I once told you my mother died in a fire when I was very young...and that my dad never really got over it, and that's why we moved around so much. But...that's...that's not exactly mother did die in a fire...but she was a monster. And I mean an actual monster. So because of that my dad decided to take us on the road so he could hunt the thing that killed her" Sam finished.

Kathleen stared at Sam completely shocked by his revelation; she couldn't comprehend how Sam's could have grown up hunting monsters across the country.

Sam taking her shock for the worst started to speak "Look I know it sounds crazy, and I understand if you want to get as far away from me as possible. I wouldn't blame you, and I won't bother you again...I promise" Sam stuttered out starting to get up.

Finally coming out of her shock Kathleen grabbed Sam's arm yelling "No! No Sam I don't think your crazy...I know...I know everything" Kathleen said.

"What?" Sam asked, confused.

"My dad is...was a hunter, until he died last year. That's why I came here...he always wanted me to have a better after giving him a hunters funeral...I left for college. It's okay Sam...I don't think you're crazy" Kathleen explained.

"Wow...huh ironic that the two hunter kids bump into each at college" Sam said causing to him and Kat to laugh. "God I'm so glad you understand. I was so afraid you'd walk out that door and never come back" Sam said smiling at Kat.

"No I'm not leaving you Sam...I promise" Kathleen told Sam looking at him affectionately.

"And I'm not leaving you" Sam promised blushing.

The two stared at each other, while leaning in closer, where their lips meet in a fiery, passionate kiss. When they pulled away they both stared at each other longingly until Kathleen finally spoke up.

" like you, Sam" Kathleen said quietly.

Sam smiled down at Kathleen and replied "Me too...would you like to go on a date sometime...?"

Kat's smile grew and tucked some of her hair behind her ear. "Yeah. I'd love to" Kathleen accepted.


Soon after Kathleen and Sam became closer and closer. Their relationship grew from a simple attraction to a deeply rooted love for one another. Both having hardships in their pasts, they had found a new normality for their future.

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