The intro

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OK. Oh man don't I think that this is dumb.. so anyways this is gonna be my little uuuh diary i guess ? dunno if i would call it that but whatever so here it is my log book.

January 2, 2016 Entry one

GODDAMN what an amazing party that was last night ,and the after party was to die for. I should probably introduce lanyard to anyone who's reading this, which I hope is less than 2 people, My name is Destin Jarah and I'm 17. I'm 6"1' I have long, dark, brown hair. So gotta check on the essentials. Phone? Check. Keys? Got'em. Wallet?It's in the back but I got a feeling that I don't really want to check on the inside until I get home. Wait where am I again? Oh yeah I'm at Noah's house and if my memory serves me right, the bathroom is upstairs.

Wow I look worse than I feel. Anyways I gotta wash up before I head home.

Entry two

I'm back and with more annoying parents than before seriously how can they annoy me even more than yesterday I'm actually pretty impressed like woah1 you surpassed your limits yet again are you super man and super wife mom and dad ? anyways Rule number one of the house thou shalt not walk around the house with his shoes has been broken by me so I guess I deserve that scolding wow Noah must have chugged all his drinks he doesn't answer my texts if I didn't know any better Id think that he's dead from alcohol poisoning that'd be a shame he promised to introduce me to his study group he's always on and on about the chicks in there and how hot hey are I like to tease him by telling him that they are OK. Gets on his nerves real quick real easy

gotta go do homework diary I'm actually liking this idea more and more.


A/N: Aaaand That's a wrap on my first chapter ever did you guys (or one guy or two no idea if this is even going to be read by anyone) like it ? I dunno if it's too short or not but if it is I'll try to make the next chapter longer byee

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