Prologue~ The Party

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Annabelle sat it her plush, blue armchair reading a book. She heard a tapping at her window. She turned and saw a flash of blond hair at her window. The walked over to it and unhooked the old latch. The blond jumped into her room and flopped onto her bed. It was Mia, Annabelle's best friend. She had long, wavy blond hair. Emerald green eyes shawn above her puffy red lips. She had an athletic build, enhancing her already stunning good looks. Her skin was fair and smooth. The only makeup she wore was mascara and a thin line of black eyeliner. In other words, she was beautiful. Perfect. And she had a question to ask. " Can I stay here tonight?" she asked Annabelle.

"Yeah, I'll ask my mom," Annabelle answered. Annabelle was the opposite of Mia. She had short, curly, dark hair. Deep blue eyes, thin pale lips, and tan skin. She was thin, but curvy at the same time. It bothered her, she never knew what to wear to fit her figure.

Suddenly, the bedroom door flew open, "HEY!" Annabelle shouted. It was David, her twenty-two year old brother. He looked just like her, no need to go into detail.

"Don't be so annoying," he told her. "Mom wanted to know if you'd be ready in half an hour."

"Crap," Annabelle muttered.

"Wait," Mia asked, "where are you going?" David looked at her oddly.

Annabelle turned to her apologetically, "I forgot, I have to go to dinner with my mom. Raincheck?"

Mia bit her lip, "Well, George is having a huge party tonight and I didn't want to be the only girl."

"Oh," Annabelle said quietly. "Well... maybe I can ask my mom if you can come..."

Mia shook her head, "No, it's okay, I wouldn't want to be a burden."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll just take a bath or something, and try to block out the noise of drunk frat boys."

"Okay..." Annabelle say looking down.

"Ann, it's okay, I'll be fine. But if George doesn't invite some groupies to keep his friends busy, I might just break in and sleep here. Then I would murder my brother."


The music pounded. Blared. It made Mia's eardrums hurt. God, I hate my brother's parties, she thought to herself. She was still wearing her black leggings and white hoody from earlier. But, she was still gorgeous.

"Hey, Sweetheart," she heard a boy drawl at her.

Mia rolled her eyes, it was one of her brother's buddies, and he was wasted.

"Wanna do something interesting?" he asked drunkenly.

Definitely not. "No thanks, I'm just going to go take a bath," she said frankly.

The boy smiled mischievously, "Can I come? We would have lots of fun."

God he's grouse . "No you dirtbag, you can leave me alone now." She started to walk away, but he grabbed her wrist, "Hey!"

"YO!" called a voice from behind them, it was Mia's sister, George. "That's my little sister you idiot."

The boy immediately let go of her arm, "Sorry G-man, my bad." He walked away.

"Sorry bout that Me-me, he's just drunk."

Mia quickly composed herself, "Yeah, no biggy, he's just stupid. It's okay George."

He slowly nodded, "Kay, go take your bubble bath."

She smiled at him, no matter who he hung out with, her brother was always looking out for her. "Thanks George." She started to walk away.

"Mia," he called after her.


He looked at her carefully, "Enjoy it."

"I love you George."

"I love you too," he said to himself.


As Mia walked up the wooden stairway she heard a creak behind her, "Who's there?" she called out. Whatever Me, it's nothing. She kept going. She entered the bathroom with the feeling that someone was watching her. God, I'm touchy. She drew the hot water and watched as it filled the tub. The Turned it off and quickly undressed. She slid into the water and sighed. That's better, she thought. She glanced over at the wall clock to her left and saw a dark figure standing over her. "Who-" then she knew who, the last person she thought would be here. "What are you doing here?"

A bottle crashed down on her head, and a hand pushed her under the water. And everything went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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