Chapter 1: The Dream

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What a wondrous day to start an adventure, of course Kato is one likely for that. Saturday morning he gets up from bed after his alarm went off. Feeling groggy and still very tired, he just swipes at his alarm clock with his paws; it falls from his nightstand and stops making noise. He yawns loudly before stretching and groaning as if to say: "I want to sleep some more." The morning rise not as good for him. Truthfully, like any other fur who wakes up later in the morning, he would immediately head downstairs to make himself some coffee. Of course, that isn't the case for him as he forgot he had somewhere to be. He checks the time on his phone and yells out. "Oh crap! I can't believe I am late! I just hope he isn't too mad!" He races off his bed, taking off his pajamas so he could wear something more suitable for the outside world, a simple t-shirt and shorts. If he had the time though, he would change into some tight ass briefs. After he finishes getting dressed, he grabs a sweater as he knew it could possibly rain, but that was only a thought. Kato is not as organized as he always thinks he is. Truth be told, he really isn't good with time haha. After he finished with getting ready, he walks out his apartment, locking the door and running outside quickly as he hurried over to Miami beach.

He really loved living in Florida, it was very nice, of course the weather usually was not as good. When it rained it could get really humid and become such a nightmare. Kato really whined so much when he was wet, but who wouldn't. No one could possibly want to suffer getting wet, especially if they are wearing something nice. As Kato kept going, his phone buzzes as he checks it out his phone company being Furizon. He notices it's a text from his best friend Lupi. Those two have been very good friends ever since they met. They get along well, so all was good until now when Kato read the text:

"Where are you?!?!"
"I been waiting for almost 20 minutes!"

Kato gulps after reading the texts from his best friend. He could tell if Lupi was either angry or upset but if he wanted to find out, he would have to see him over at the beach. He puts his phone back in his shorts pocket and starts heading to the beach till he finally made it. He looks around for Lupi really not looking forward to what he has to say since Kato was obviously late to meet up with him here. They both planned to hang out and have fun at the beach, but made sure to get there at a good time, yet Kato forgot.

"Oh there you are......." Kato turns around as he heard that voice, looking right at Lupi as he gulped, "I'm really sorry Lupi. I just lost track of time and I made sure my alarm was set at a good time for me to make it but I was too sleepy so I pretty much ignored it." Lupi sighs before hugging Kato, "Look, it's fine Kato,crust don't be late next time please."

"I will try not to be next time Lupi, but it isn't a promise. I haven't been getting good sleep because of this dream I keep having."

Lupi looks at Kato curiously before grabbing his hand and taking them to a bench to sit down. "A bad dream huh?" Kato nods, a look of sadness in his eyes. "Yeah, this bad dream never stops it is always the same thing all the time." One tear slides down Kato's face, Lupi then tries to console him. "If you want to, you can tell me what happened in this bad dream. It might be a memory that came back to haunt you......I don't know." Kato slightly nods not saying anything anymore. "Lupi, this dream had something to do with me. That I was going to die........." Lupi hugs Kato, who then starts to smile as he shook his head. "Sorry about this Lupi. Let's just forget about this and move on."

As they both enjoyed the breeze, they begin talking to each other going on about things they both plan to do together later. Lupi then looks directly at Kato. "So there is this new arcade that opened up. Want to go over there?" Kato nods standing up. "Yeah, let's head over there now." As they both start to leave heading onto a pier as the arcade was obviously there. Kato's ears twitched as he thought he was being watched by someone other than Lupi, but ignores it.


Its been a couple hours since both Kato and Lupi been at the arcade. Kato realizing he needed to head back to his apartment, as he was working on a little something. Lupi and him hug it out and wave goodbye as they both go their separate ways. Kato pretty much seemed nervous, the fact he has been having a nightmare every single time that he was going to get killed. Usually, the nightmare was the same thing about him getting killed but it always changed differently. It was either him getting shot, or ran over. He felt something was trying to send him a message, but he wasn't crazy enough to believe that.

Truth be told, Kato was one of those thrill seekers. He really wanted to see something happen. Of course something happening to him was pretty much a completely different story. He felt he was excruciating, the thought of dying really bothered him to the point he felt physical pain somehow. Kato thought that it felt like he got stabbed 20 times in the stomach. The stress was way too much for him to handle.

So, what does Kato do? Well pretty much what anyone would do if they felt like they were going to die. He was going to live his life to the fullest before death takes his toll. What exactly is Kato thinking though?!?! He is still young, but to death age does not matter to him.

Anything can happen to anybody, it could be happiness, sadness, feeling betrayed, murder, accidents, love at first sight. You name it. Choices people make are a great commodity. Major/minor opportunities to be exact. A butterfly effect, but hey you never know. Kato is very superstitious, but what could he possibly know? As he was in the city of Miami seeing traffic, he decides to rest for a bit, save up some energy before heading back to his apartment. He finds a bench nearest a bus stop and sits down. Closing his eyes and drifting off into sleep.

He wakes up, but that is what he thinks as he was still asleep. Kato looks around his surroundings, now realizing he was not really awake. His surroundings were very weird, he was in a different area. All of a sudden he hears a voice. A very gentle, but calming voice. "Kato? Do you know why you are here?" Kato looks around for the source of the voice. Knowing it belonged to a male, but he seemed so confused. He knew this was a dream, but somehow this felt very real to him. "They are coming for you Kato. They want your power. You will visit many worlds one day." Kato tries to speak, not able to as it felt like his mouth was taped shut. Again he hears the mysterious voice. "I can't keep you here for long Kato. I cannot protect you very long. You will see me one day, you just got to wait. They are almost here. I must let you go.........."

And just like that, Kato wakes up breathing deeply as if he somehow lost the ability to breath awhile ago. As he opened his eyes, he noticed people staring at him even a bus driver. Feeling embarrassed, he stands up from the bench. "Oh just fell asleep is all........." Kato quickly leaves to not create an even bigger scene, not watching where he is going as he began crossing the street. He hears a car horn as he turned, the life now exiting his eyes.


Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I know the ending was freaky, but just think for a moment, what exactly do you think happens? Does Kato get hit by the car, or does the car turn crashing near him? Just tell me what you guys think and you will see for yourselves by next chapter.

-Kato Hakobune

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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