Chapter 1

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A tall muscular blond walked into the slightly large hospital that had been holding his friend for nearly a year. He was greeted by a few doctors and other ninjas in the hospital as he walked toward a room. The room was in the back of the hospital and it had no other rooms close to it. This was the room his friend was kept in.

He walked inside and looked at the pale boy sitting on his bed, playing with his thumbs.

"You ready to go, Sasuke?" He held out his hand to the other.

The other didn't answer, but he gave a small smile and took Naruto's hand.

As they walked down the streets of Konoha, Naruto noticed some of the villagers were giving the small Uchiha hard and dark looks, which seemed to frighten the damaged teen. Naruto pulled him a little closer and looked down at him, giving him a soft smile.

"Don't worry, Sasuke. We're almost home."

The paler one gave a soft smile and glanced up at him from under his hood with innocent, yet blank eyes. Naruto found the look adorable.

After they finally reached Naruto's apartment, he opened the door to a dark house. He pulled Sasuke inside and shut the door. Since Sasuke was nearly terrified of the dark, Naruto quickly cut on the lights. As soon as he did, his friends were revealed.

"Surprise! Welcome home Sasuke!"

Naruto had to smile at this, despite his knowing of it. Before his spirits could get too high, a soft "Eep!" was heard behind him. Naruto blinked and quickly caught the falling Sasuke. He held him close and let out a soft nervous laugh.

"He seems to have fainted.."

As the party continued, Sasuke eventually woke up. He sat up from the couch and rubbed his eyes sleepily as he looked around. No one had let, but they were deep in their own conversations. But, once they saw he was awake, they gave him a warm smile and waved. The first to approach him was Kakashi. He sat down carefully next to the dark haired boy and smiled.

"Welcome back, Sasuke. How are you feeling?"

"T-thank you.. I-I'm fine n-now.." He answered softly and shyly.

Kakashi gave him another smile, though it could barely be seen from behind his mask. "Good." He ruffled the teens raven locks of hair gently and stood up. "Naruto is in the kitchen."

After Kakashi walked off, Sasuke wobbly stood up and walked to the kitchen, immediately looking for Naruto. As soon as he saw him, he walked over to him and gently pulled on his shirt to get his attention since his back was to him. Naruto turned around, a bright smile forming on his face. He quickly pulled the teen close and rubbed his back.

"Glad you're awake.."

As the party finally ended, everyone left, promising to try and meet up another time. Sasuke was curled up in a chair, waving goodbye to Tsunade and Kakashi, who were the last to leave. Once they were out, Naruto shut the door and turned to Sasuke.

"How ya feeling?"

Sasuke gave him a soft smile. "I-I'm feeling better."

Naruto's smile grew and he held his hand out to Sasuke, who took it without hesitation and yawned.


Sasuke rubbed one eye and nodded slowly in an adorable way. Naruto smiled and walked him to the only room in the small apartment. Once there, he helped Sasuke getting dressed into pajamas and also changed himself. They then both got into the bed, though Sasuke was a little hesitant about it. Sasuke curled up a little beside Naruto, quickly falling asleep. Naruto stroked the ravens hair and watched him sleep for a moment, thinking about what could have damaged the Uchiha so much. He was soon lost in thought, and he fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2013 ⏰

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