Bow Ties On Black Veil Brides

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I sat impatiently tapping on the table, Mollie was supposed to be here almost an hour ago but the stupid train was delayed, "have you seen my goggles?" I heard Shane, my long term boyfriend call from our bedroom, "nope" I shouted back as I fixed the goggles on my head with a small smile. He should of learnt by know that I loved steampunk goggles and I was always behind his going missing, I span round on my swivel chair and hit play on the cd player which immediately began blasting out the lyrics to sexting. Strangely enough the song seemed to attract Mollie like a magnet as she soon arrived with her suitcase which she soon dropped in favour of hug tackling me which resulted in me stumbling back and almost falling. After a few minutes of rapid babble that couldn't be deciphered she paused before coming out with "where's Shane?" She had known about him since day one but the two had never actually met. I turned and wandered over to the bedroom which I opened the door to and took hold of his hand before leading him to the living room and sitting on his knee on the couch. "Here he is!" I smiled receiving a small giggle from Mollie as Shane tried to retrieve his goggles from off my head. He soon managed to get them but then we ended up in a tug of war match over them until Mollie walked over and pulled them off us holding them in the air, none of us could reach them since she was taller than us but that didn't stop us trying. That was when candyland came on and me and Mollie paused mid struggle to join in with the intro "ladies and gentlemen, whores and sluts, step right up, behind this curtain is a place where all your fantasies come to life, welcome to... Candyland!" We finished while Shane had accomplished reclaiming his goggles, it was then we turned to find Jinxx in the doorway which sent us into fits of laughter thanks to his convenient timing.

After giving us a weird look Jinxx decided to bypass us and hand a bag to Shane, "one of you guys left that on our tour bus" he explained to which Shane just replied with one of his cute shy little "thanks" I ran over and snatched the bag off him opening it "it belongs to Drew!" I declared pulling out the clean pair of comic strip boxers and waving them around like a flag before throwing them at Mollie, "Ren!" She practically squealed at me hitting the boxers away which managed to land on Jinxx's head. Needless to say the room fell into an awkward silence until I couldn't help it and started sniggering and couldn't stop. "Is she okay?" Jinxx had the courtesy to ask to which Mollie nodded "just a bad case of the giggles" meanwhile Shane had retrieved Drew's boxers and done a disappearing act.

"How can it be a bad case of something that's good" Jinxx queried to which he simply got "because I said so" and it was at this very point Mollie's brain seemed to catch up with the fact that she liked Jinxx and had done for a long time and a blush appeared on her face. Before things got the chance to get anymore awkward "I'm calling your boyfriend  to pick up his stuff" I shouted through to shane before picking up the phone. Of course when I say his boyfriend I mean Drew. I may be with Shane but I ship the timids as much as the next person. Drew wouldn't answer so I threw the phone at the wall. "Hey Jiiiiinnnnnxxxx" I said deliberately dragging out his name. "What?" He asked suspiciously used to my weird questions. "How's Andley doing?" I asked smiling with a little tilt in my head "they don't go out" he sighed, to which I whispered to Mollie "oh please that ship sailed long ago" managing to make her snigger before heading into the kitchen and starting to make some breakfast.

we had an open plan kitchen- diner sort of thing going on, mainly because the last time Luke was in with the rest of the guys they were pissing about and Luke accidentally knocked a whole in the wall so i made him and Laurence take the wall completely out. from here i could keep an eye on Jinxx and Mollie in the lving room, and of course on almost perfect cue Drew and Luke wondered in soon tailed by Ashley and Andy. "Shane the house is becoming a Ship again!" i shouted causing the shyer timid to wander through to the living room "so it is" he mumbled while the rest, with the exception of Mollie and Drew who were used to my termology just looked at me confused expecting me to explain, however i didn't intend to explain to all the guys that I shipped them all with each other... that would come out when i was pissed out of my mind.. which would probably be tonight since their was going to be a party and we were all invited, although my thoughts were more set on getting Shane and Drew drunk or maybe just Shane so they would kiss. i did mention i shipped the Timids right? anyway, since the arrival of more people the living room had quickly became a babble of noise. which made me stay in the kitchen, i liked company but i am very socially awkward, i was used to the FVK guys but as far as BVB were concerned, they still weren't part of my inner circle despite FVK touring with them a couple of times. eventually all the guests left except Drew and i felt safe to wander back into my own living room, of course only to find Drew and Shane arguing over "who the cuter timid is" much to mine and Mollie's amusement. I picked up a suitcase and Mollie grabbed a bag and we lugged her stuff into the spare room where she would be sleeping and sat down to catch up on the hour we hadn't talked since her phone battery died.

(A.N. hey, I hope you guys enjoy, I write often so the next bit will be uploaded soon, I am happy to take requests, just give me names and bands, and I will get it done a.s.a.p.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2013 ⏰

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