PIL-Eduardo x MC

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"Cap'n!I see a port!"I shout from where I'm standing.

"All right Eduardo,head towards it!"

I steer the ship starboard to go towards the port.*sigh*


"Son you know you'll have to find someone as your queen soon.The people of Uru are getting restless without a queen!"

"I know dad!Just please....give me some time"

Flashback ends

I sigh again as I thought of it.Women.Why did it hafta be women?

We get off the ship as cap'n immediately heads towards the pub and we follow along.

"Look at all those women!"cap'n laughed as he went to mingle with them.The rest of us sat down at a nearby table as we told Thomas to get our drinks.

After finishing our drinks,we went out of the pub till we heard someone shout


Marines?!I whip my head in the direction of the shouting and saw some marines chasing a..a....a...

Holy shit.

My mouth dropped open as the woman ran past us.She was pretty-no!beautiful-no!gorgeous-no!sexy woman!She was wearing a vest over a white shirt along with boots and a skirt as she ran past us.She had blond hair and was wearing an.....eye-patch?I found myself running after her as the rest of the crew followed behind me.

I somehow managed to find them as the marines surrounded her.Instead of surrendering which I thought she would do,she took out double guns!She had a dangerous glint in her eyes as she released the safety.But still,it's one woman against 10 men!She doesn't stand a chance!

"Hey!Over here ya stinkin marines!!!"I shouted at them as they turned their focus to me.I started running back as the crew split up.I was running through town as the marines chased me.Shit their catching up!


I heard a gunshot as one of the marines howl in pain and fell.What the....I look up at the roof of one of the shops and see the girl there,gun in hand.She jumped down as she stood next to me and eyes the marines.Now that I closely look at her,she also has some freckles which run across the bridge of her nose.But she's still pretty.

She cocks her gun as I hear her say "ya better get out of here while ya can.It's gonna get really ugly real soon"was all she said before she charged at them.The marines were shocked at her move and were frozen for awhile,giving her the opportunity she needs to kneed one in the you know where.

She pockets her guns and takes out two swords.Whoa whoa whoa!So she isn't just a double shooter,but a double fencer too?!I watched in awe at her movements as she attacked them gracefully and flawlessly without getting scraped by their bullets.

Once she was done,the marines were all bound together with a piece of rope from God knows where she got.She turned to look at me next.She walked towards me and was standing before me before I knew it."Who are you?"she asked.

I was about to answer her when she fainted!I caught her before she fell as the crew surrounded me.

"She got stabbed"Christopher pointed out thigh which had a slash across it and blood was seeping out."C'mon doc,let's get her back to the ship before those marines come back"I nodded at the rest of the crew as I gently picked her up,bridal style and carried her to the ship as fast as I could.

I brought her to the infirmary where Christopher tended to her."She should be fine after maybe 3 weeks.But in the mean time,she shouldn't move around so much"I thank him and stayed in the infirmary as I waited for her to wake up.God damn she really was sexy.

Her plump lips,her slim body and curves.Who wouldn't want her?But then,what's with the eye-patch?I was going to remove it when her hand shot up lighting fast and caught my hand just before I managed to pull it.

"Who are you and where am I?"she asked getting straight to the point as she slowly sat up,hissing at the pain.

"My name's Eduardo and you're on board the Sirius."She widened her eyes when I said that.

"By the way...why are you wearing an eye-patch?"she was silent as I asked that.I'm guessing it's something personal like mine.She started to stand up and I held her when she nearly fell.

"Thanks"she smiled a soft smile at me which made my heart flutter.I blush as I turn away and nod.I think I like this woman.Is it possible?

I look at her again as I set her down gently on the bed."Rest,otherwise you will just be causing more damage to your body"I said and she reluctantly nodded as she fell back into the pillow.

Wills it be possible to make her mine?I stared at her now sleeping form.I fell for this woman eh...heh,well dad,I found my queen.

I press a soft and gentle kiss on her lips.

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