Chapter 3

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Sausha and Antwan are not in school ! lmao. this story is not about them. its about their daughter Passion. to send me a cover i think you gotta copy and paste the URL.

Passion POV

'Ethan agreed to meet up with me and now were sitting on a bench at the park. its been silent for 10 minutes now. i don't know what to do.'

Ethan: why you call me here. wheres Derick ?

Passion: really ? you jealous ?

Ethan: naw. don't know why you hanging around another dude if you got me.

Passion: well, i don't know why you hanging around another girl and you have me and you know i don't like her ass !

Ethan: were just friends Passion !

Passion: and me and Derick are just friends !

Ethan: i don't want you hanging out with him baby.

Passion: i don't want you hanging out with Emily.

Ethan: it shouldn't matter who im hanging out with as long as you know i love you.

Passion: but me knowing you love me and you showing you love me are two different things. do i not give you enough attention ? do you even really love me anymore ?

Ethan: of course i love you Passion. i really love you, i just don't know how to show it. sometimes i feel like you don't give me enough attention, so i just go somewhere i can get it.

'i looked at him and he leaned in and kissed me. this kiss was different. it had need in it. even though me and Ethan been dating for a long time, we haven't had sex yet. maybe that's what the relationship needs, but im not ready to go that far. after we talked and kissed we stayed at the park a little longer. this time with him is amazing. we haven't had this kinda time together for a long time, but i know its gonna fade easily and gonna back from like it was earlier today. we left the park and went our separate ways. when i walked in the house i saw mama and pops cuddled on the couch so i just went upstairs to my room. i took a shower and put on some spandex shorts and a t-shirt and laid in my bed. when i was about to go to sleep my phone buzzed twice. it was a text from Ethan telling me goodnight. i replied goodnight back and checked to see who else texted me. it was Derick.'

Derick: wassup ?

ThugPassion: nothing was bout to go to sleep.

Derick: oh my bad.

ThugPassion: no youre good. whats up ?

Derick: bored as can i slide through ?

'i though about it. asked mama and pops and texted him back yeah. he said he be here in 15 minutes. i stayed in what i had on cause i didnt feel like getting dressed and waited. i heard a knock on the door and mama came in. i smiled at her and she sat down on my bed.'

Sausha: so who is this Derick ? you and Ethan broke up ?

Passion: no we didnt break up. Derick is the boy i met today.

Sausha: oh. youre pops is waiting for him to come.

Passion: oh gosh.

'i heard the doorbell ring and ran downstairs. when i got there is was to late and pops already answer the door. i walked closer to the door and just watched and listened. pops put his arm around my shoulder and Derick smiled.'

Twan: so yall just friends huh ? what happened to that Ethan boy ?

Passion: pops we still together !

Twan: mhm. no funny business in my house !-

Passion: OMG !

'i took Dericks hand and we went into my room. i sat on the bed and he just stood there looking uncomfortable.'

Passion: you can sit on the bed.

Derick: okay. i didnt want to seem disrespectful.

'he sat down and we just watched tv and chilled. he looked at me and when i looked at him he turned his head smiling. i turned off the t and turned to him.'

Passion: what you looking at nigga ?

Derick: i was wondering why you don't look like yo moms.

Passion: shes not my real mom.

Derick: are you adopted ?

Passion: something like that.

Derick: tell me about it.

'am i really ready to tell somebody i just met about my parent situation ? but i already feel like i can trust him with everything in me.'

Passion: it all started when.....

how you like ? hoped you enjoyed. 7-9 might be the new update time during school. so keep watch. love yall, still need a cover !

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