5. Weird Gamer- Free time

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Free time:

(On these it will be on Bashur's pov in first person),

I walk to the cottage with my name and face on it.

"I'm just going to check it!" I opened the door to be greeted to my room.

I hate to say it but it looked nice it had a bed in the corner with a small rose next to it.

The room was lit up by two torches next to a picture of a melon.

There was also a small window for seeing, I looked outside and saw someone.

I think it was Seto.

I walked toward him with a friendly look on my face, "Hey, Seto....What are you playing?"

I noticed he was playing with some kind of: Gameblock handheld.

Do you want to spend more time with Seto

>Nah I'm good<


I spent the day with Seto it was really nice.

"Wow Seto I couldn't even tell the difference between a Rpg and Platformer before we hung out thanks for educating me!" I laughed.

"Uh-hu... Bash?"


"I'm going to miss you when you get off this island." He sounded serious.

"W-what? You're coming too!"

"They....won't let me, There is no hope for me but I know you can do it..,,you can save everyone!" He cried out.

"You'll come with me!" I responded.

"But...if something does happen to me can you protect everyone, don't give up....can you do that?"

I just shrugged as he smiled.

I then walked away, "That is one weird gamer.


Hey guys, was a short chapter but it was a freetime event.

Ok now next question who should bash hang out with

Rage or Ian

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