Chapter 3 - Them

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"I love you, Mitchie," he hugged me for the final time, kissing my forehead, "you're going to be okay. Keep that beautiful smile, got it?"

"I love you too, Scott," my voice was weak as I whispered out his name, a small smile cracking it's way into my features as he kissed my forehead, "I'll try."

With that, he gently nudged me out of the car.

"W-wait, Scott!" I turned around. He perked his head up, tilting it to the side.

"Yeah, babe?"

"Have dinner with us. Please. I can't do this without you," I pleaded, staring into his blue eyes with so much desperation laced into mine.

"I don't know if I-"

"Please," I repeated, hands trembling. I wouldn't be able to last two minutes in that house, with the judgmental stares and comments. With Scott, I had safety.


"So, how long have you and Avi been together?" my mother smiled, looking at the couple sitting together on the left side of the table. Scott and I took the right, and Kelly along with my mother took either end.

Tyler and Josh were 'sick'.

"We started dating around four years ago. I usually don't believe in love at first sight but..." Avi began, clearing his throat and looking to Kirstin, "when I met Kirstie, I knew she was something extraordinary behind the simple life she set herself up to have. She could achieve everything she ever dreamed of if she had the opportunity to. Turns, she already had everything figured out. A good education, a good home life, but what did she need? A good significant other. Male, of course. She's not... one of them-"

"I don't mean to interrupt, Avi," Scott snapped his head towards the man speaking, "but repeat that last phrase for me, would you?"

"A significant other. Male, of course. She's not... one of- oh. You're one of them."

"Homosexuals, or anyone in the LGBT community are not a subspecies. We are not 'them'. We are humans, we are... you, only we accept differences. If we chose to become how we are, tell me about the moment you chose to be a heterosexual," Scott defended.

"I was always a heterosexual. It's the default state of mind," Avi challenged.

"You know what is a default state of mind?" he retorted.

"What, asshole?" I jumped at the use of that word. Scott was anything but an asshole. He was... perfect, if anything.

"I know this may hurt your poor Christian heart... but atheism is the actual default state of mine. You're just brainwashed into thinking otherwise," Scott hissed.

Kirstin dropped her fork.

Kelly and my mother stopped talking to each other.

Avi stared.

Scott smirked.

I slowly clapped.

My mother broke the silence, "get the fuck out of my house," she snapped at Scott, then looked to me, "and you... go to your room. I don't want to see your face. I don't want you hanging around that faggot anymore, either. If I ever see you two together again, I will file a restraining order. Got it?"

"I'm sorry, Mitch," Scott whispered, kissing my temple. My mother fumed at this.

"Her name is Michelle, not Mitch! You likes trannies too? Get the fuck out!" it was Kelly's turn to scream.

"I'm not letting you anywhere near him. Back the hell away!" Scott yelled, snatching my hand into his. I stayed quiet, eyes wide.

"Michelle, you won't go anywhere with that man," my mother threw my a glare that screeched I was in for it.

"Scott, please let go of me," I whispered.

"Mitch? What are you doing?" Scott frowned, but let go of my hand. I inched towards my mother.

"Tell the fag to leave, Michelle. It clearly won't listen to me," my mother spoke again, words like fire.

"Leave, please."

"Word for word."

"Leave my house, f-faggot," he stared at me, the words coming out of my mouth were foreign on my tongue. Scott opened his jaws to speak, but shut them quickly. Tears gathered into his eyes, threatening to spill over his cheeks.

"Okay, Mitch," he smiled weakly, the smile not reaching his eyes.

It wasn't until he opened the door did I hear a loud sob.

Or until the door closed did I hear a muffled scream.

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