Lady Diana Spencer Meets the Prince of Wales

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Lady Diana woke in a panic. She thought she was late for her classes. Again. As the sleep faded from her eyes, the room came into focus. She realized that she wasn't at school. She was home for the weekend. At Althorp. It was a dreary, rainy day in the country. The cold permeated the room. She snuggled down, warm in her bed and dozed off once more.

There was a shooting party going on at the big house. Lots of people staying. Mostly friends of her sister, Sarah. Diana did not wish to be a part of it. Sarah had insisted that she come. "Oh, c'mon, Dutchie! Please say you'll come." Sarah had begged, when they spoke on the phone. 

"No. Sorry. I have plans with friends, this weekend."

"Cancel them, Darling. I've missed you so much. I'm positively desperate to see my sister. Surely your friends will understand." Sarah could turn on the charm when it suited her. Diana knew that she was only inviting her so that her party would consist of an even number of men and woman. 

"Prince Charles will be there." Sarah added, coyly

Sarah was dating the Prince of Wales. One day, Diana might end of being the sister of the future Queen of England. Imagine that? Sarah would be insufferable if that ever happened.

Diana had made her apologies, to her friends, and headed home.

Sarah burst into the room, shouting a screaming. "Diana, get up! Get! Up! You lazy good for nothing." Charming Sarah was gone. She was back to her normal, bossy, self absorbed self. The side of her sister Diana knew best. She was carrying a bag of laundry. She dropped it on Diana's head.

Diana sat straight up, "What?" She screamed back at her sister.

"It's my laundry. I'll need it done by Monday morning."

"Are you going to pay me?"

"For what? Putting a few clothes into the machine? I think not."

"Fine!" Diana murmured, shoving the big bag to the floor.

"Besides, you are under the same roof as the future king of England. All because of my gracious invitation, I might add. That should be payment enough. You should be thanking me. But, what do I get instead? Nothing but cheek. So, typical!"

"I said 'fine', Sarah! I'll do it!" Anything to get her to shut up.

"Good! But, it will have to wait till later, 'cuz the shoot is heading out. Be out front in ten minutes."

"I can't get ready in ten minutes."

"Of course you can. And, don't wear anything too smart. I don't want you turning the prince's head."

"What about my breakfast?"

"You've missed it!" Sarah shouted, as the door closed behind her.

After scrubbing her face, and brushing her teeth, Diana

gargled with mouthwash. She ran a comb through her hair. It

was easy to care for, since it was so short. She wore no make

up. "What good is make up on a muddy shoot?"

As she searched her closet for her raincoat and boots, she

sighed. She often thought of her ancestors at times like this. 

The Spencer women, who lived in this

 house before her, had maids who laid out their clothes

and waited on them hand and foot. In 1977, sixteen year old Lady

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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