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   Ender's POV

  I woke up in a cold, stone cell. My head and legs hurt like crazy. My arms were in chains, attached to the wall.  I tried to get up, but cried out in pain.   Suddenly, I heard muffled voices from the iron door at the other end of the cell." Mitch, seriously! Let her out! I ordered that she would not be sent here!" said a familiar voice. Sky? Was he helping me? I heard Mitch laugh." Sorry, Sky, but Seto wanted her for a reason.  Besides, why do you care?" There was a sudden gasp and the iron door flew open, almost hitting me in the process. In the doorway stood Sky, his sunglasses now cracked. Sky ran to me, and I shrank back, terrified. " We gotta get you out of here." Sky said, cutting the chains with a golden sword." We?" I asked, as he picked me up bridal style. I looked behind him and saw Ian and a space man came out with golden swords as well. A guy who I've never seen before, with green headphones and brown hair that covered one of his eyes, which was red, came in,  his expression full of worry. He smiled at me." Glad You're okay. Come on, guys. Jerome is gathering recruits to capture us." he said. Sky nodded and the guy led us down the hallway." Thats Jason in the space suit, and the other is Ty, but his real name is Deadlox." Sky whispered to me. I tensed up. That name sounded familiar!

I was very small playing with little purpur blocks and obsidian blocks. Mother was laughing and sat a small player by me. He had brown hair and purple eyes. On top of his head were obsidian headphones. He smiled at me, and  I heard a faint flap of wings. I looked behind him and saw small dragon wings." Ender, This is Deadlox! He's your new brother!" Mom said. 

I turned to him, wrinkling my nose." You're weird!" I exclaimed , giggling. Deadlox's face reddened." You look weird too. Leave me alone!" he seethed. Mom sighed and scolded us." As brother and sister, you two should get along!" she said. I sighed and apologized. We hugged and after a few minutes, built a small castle. Mom looked worried and teleported away. I barely noticed as I laughed with my new brother. Suddenly, I heard a large thundering roar, and the room lit up purple.

"Ender! Wake up!" Sky was yelling. I opened my eyes, seeing everyone around me." W-what?" I asked." You kinda passed out or something..." Deadlox said, fingering his green headphones. I looked around, seeing that we were in a small clearing. Sky had already set me down. "Ender?" Sky asked nervously. I looked at him, and then looked at Deadlox." You... I-I remember you." I said. Deadlox gulped." Can I talk to her alone, guys?"  he asked. Everyone grumbled and nodded hesitantly. They backed away, gathering supplies and food. Deadlox sighed and sat down next to me, his brown hair blowing softly in the wind. " I can't believe you remembered me. That was what, 20 years ago?" I nodded." I remember Mom setting you by me, and I think my Dad found us?" I said. Deadlox laughed." Yeah. I was unofficially his son, and he hated the fact I was half- player, so he sent me to the overworld . I've ben here ever since. I-I try to keep that part of my life secret..." He trailed off." I know the feeling." Sky said, suddenly visible in front of me. I squeaked and backed away. How could he just appear like that!? He didn't teleport, I would have heard it! 

   " How!?" I stammered, attempting to get up. Sky sighed." A long time ago, Herobrine, the Lord of the Nether, kidnapped me and corrupted me. He turned me into a... a brine." Sky said, fingering his amulet." He called me Skybrine then, and I almost helped Herobrine take over Minecraftia. Team Crafted saved me, but Jason ended up being captured and corrupted by the Wither, so I used my powers to stop him..." Sky said dully, taking off his glasses, revealing his completely white eyes." They glow budder color when I'm upset or angry." Jason walked over, smiling." I see you are showing off." he said. Sky's mouth twitched, attempting a smile.  Jason laughed and took off his helmet, showing two empty wither eyes. He held out his hand to help me up, but I shook my head. Sky smiled and placed his hands over my legs, and a golden light emitted from his palms. I felt the pain wash away and I stood up. I turned and saw a ball of fire coming straight toward Sky." Sky!" I screeched, jumping in front of him.

Seto's Rage : Book 1- Evil Love Series # TheWattys2016Where stories live. Discover now