The Upcoming Dance

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Beacon was having another dance.Ruby was so excited about it that she seriously grabbed Torchwick,and waltzed with him throughout the room."I'm kinda sad though.None of my teammates are going to be there."Ruby said in a solemn voice."You should give them a call,"Torchwick said."Blake never answers.Weiss isn't allowed in Vale,and Yang's arm is missing.She can't dance."
"But she can still come."
"I'll try to convince her and the other two."
"What are you going to wear?"
"Same as last time.You?"
"Same as always.Nothing can be more formal than this."
"Who are you going with?"
"Well,ummm...I guess you?"
Torchwick grinned.
"I was hoping you would say that."
Ruby blushed as she still danced with him.
"You're good at this."
"I was raised into a rich family.They used to throw parties and balls to celebrate many occasions."
"Seems fun"
"It was,but one day,my parents went missing,along with everyone else.I came to find that they had sold the house.They didn't care for me one bit.They spoiled me,just so I wouldn't bother anyone,and the butlers and maids treated me like I was an animal.I then lived on the streets,avoiding the orphanage,afraid that  if I was caught,I would be sent to an even worse family."
"That's sad."
Torchwick stopped moving."Then I met Junior."
"Is that the reason he trusted you with his men?"
"That,and the fact that I had a lot of money,"Torchwick said with a small grin."We were like brothers.He was the one who taught me how to pickpocket,and now I'm better than him.We kinda grew up together,and then Cinder showed up.She threatened me to do her work,even though I never knew what it was for."
"Another reason to make me wish I could bring her back,just to kill her again."
Torchwick laughed."The feeling's mutual."

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