The truth...

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5 months , 5 months that I have left to live 5 months and I have to say goodbye to all of my family members i'm okay with it, it's my time to go, But I want to get my side of the story first , hey i'm Miley I was diagnosed with Leukemia when I was the age of 5 yes, i've struggled this basically my whole life i'm not proud of it but I am grateful, i'm grateful of what all of my family and friends have given me i'm grateful for the world god gave me, although I have not yet conquered the world I do appreciate what has been given to me, i'm dying in 5 months but this is something I have known for my entire life and I can't complain because i've gotten everything I have wanted and it was to be with all my family and friends throughout this whole adventure. I realized that my mind may think that i've had enough
but my heart keeps telling me to not give up to stay strong because theres yet to come in this
world it can be any day of life but I can't just sit here and pretend everything is okay because it's not, I keep getting worse and everyone may tell me I will be fine, I will get better but i'm not because 5 months , that's all I have left.

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