Anime, Manga Reviews, And More!

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Hello all you Anime lovers out there! Today you will be reading a book on reviews about almost everything that is Anime and Manga. So get ready to hear about all the things you need to know about Anime!

First on the list...


Soul Eater is one of my personal favorites because it has a little bit of everything in it. Action, adventure, drama, suspense, and it keeps you hooked until the end. Now lets go to the characters. First up Maka Albarn. Top of her class at the DWMA ( Death Weapons Meister Academy ) and daughter of the legendary Death Scythe. She is always working hard to become stronger and help her friend Soul to become a Death Scythe. She never gives up. Not even in the worst situations.

Next is Soul Eater Evans. Partner of Maka and is a very reliable weapon. He can be cocky at some points but when its time to fight he gets serious quick. Cursed with black blood he has many trials to face, but with the help of his friends he is capable of great things.

Next on the list we have Death The Kid. Son of Lord Death, leader of the DWMA, He plays a big role in Death City and in the DWMA itself. Always looking for answers and secrets behind the DWMA's history he wont stop until he brings balance to the world.

And finally we have Black Star. He is an overly confident kid with will power that can shake the heavens. He is the type of kid that will always try to be noticed and to become the most powerful and most popular person in the DWMA. With his partner, Tsubaki, they are the most amazing pair of assassins in the DWMA!

So after all that I have said here I would give Soul Eater a 8.5 out of 10. Who am I kidding. 9 out of 10! Lets move on shall we? Lets see...what should I look at next...Oh I know!


Naruto Shippuden is a show made by shoen jump. I think i spelled that right. Anyway, I'm not gonna go into great detail about the show so all i cans say that its about ninjas. Enough said. Now lets get to the characters.

Naruto Usumaki.

A young, kind, adventurous, ramen loving ninja of the hidden leaf. Long ago he had the 9 tailed fox, Karuma, sealed inside him in order to save the village. He has been living with this beast all his life and has been looked down on ever since. He has made a lot of friends along the way and has faced many enemies too, but he was able to overcome all of his greatest obstacles.

I think i just gave a good description of the show itself. Well i don't care. Lets keep going.

Sakura Haruno

A kind hearted young girl with a burning will of fire. Is in love with Saskue but if ir were me...I would just go for naruto.

Saskue Uchiah... I think i spelled his name right. Oh well.

A mysterious kid with the power of the sharingan and the curse mark. Plotted on a road of revenge against his brother, he betrays the hidden leaf to seek power to hunt down and kill his older brother Itachi.

This was the first anime show that i watched and i am still watching it today. I would give this anime show a 9 out of 10.

Well that's it for now. Keep a look out for part 2 and never stop watching anime!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2013 ⏰

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