Scarred For the Rest of My Life

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Wow...... what a night that was. I can't believe I got wasted. This never really happen to me. Wait a second... where am I? I am not in my own bed. I am not even in my room. Maybe I hooked up with some random girl from the party last night. Yeah  that's probably all that happened last night. I look to the left of my body and there was a mysterious human just there. Except this was not a normal human... no my guy was dead. What the fuck? What is a dead guy doing next to me?  I have to be dreaming right? No, this is probably some part of a sick joke. I am honestly trying to figure this out. I am just thinking about everything that happened  last night. Bro., I am so lost. I am confused and I am starting to get depressed. Well..... I am scarred for the rest of my life due to the fact that there is a dead guy just chilling next to me like it is nothing. First of all, where did he come from because I seriously do not remember him. He was not at the party last night I tell you that much. I am seriously praying to God right now. Maybe he c

To rid myself to figure it all out

I was lost and confused and highly depressed

I ruined myself to say I was..

Scarred for the rest of my life

I prayed to Allah that I can understand what I saw

I saw nothing but dead bodies

Thousands of dead bodies surrounding me

Some blood was drained and some was left there dry

I was confused

Where am I?

I asked myself did I kill these people?

To save my own damn soul

Or was it the devil sending me messages to end it all

I saw blood on my arms

My hands and my body

I got so sick

I ran to the nearest spot and threw up

I asked myself this question again

Did I kill all these people?

To save my soul

I looked north for the Lord's answer

But all I can see was the devil

Laughing, watching me as I suffer and burn myself to the ground

Watching every painful and depressed moment

I made and left

And so I wanted to see if it was a dream

I looked south of me

I still see this horrible body and it grabbed me

Why  you kill me?

I was only 13 years old

I did murder those people but what was my motive?

To tell you the truth I don't know

But I will tell you this I was scarred for the rest of my life

And only to see it was just a bad dream

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