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Prologue: Deep Breaths

sherlockedsecrets (2k14)

A breeze flew in from the open window of the room. The curtains danced as the cold breeze traveled through. In the bed, loosely wrapped in a white duvet, laid Maisha Monsour—a dark haired, hazel eyed, olive skinned 15-year-old girl. She stirred slightly as the biting cold air made contact with her skin. As she squeezed her eyes and turned, the duvet slid off her body and pooled at the end of her bed. In an attempt to maintain warmth, her body curved into a ball. The silence of the night soothed her.. it was why her heart beat faltered when she her ears picked up the sound of another's breaths.

Her door didn't open. Nor did it close. She would have heard the soft sound of the knob turning and the metal slide click into place. Her intruder didn't come through the door. No, they must have came in through the window. Air came out of her mouth in shallow breaths to help maintain herself. Maisha concentrated. The sound of deep breaths were no longer heard. The night was once again, silent. But her heart beat didn't slow. It pounded against her rib cage like it was ready to burst out. Whoever they were, they were still there—just not breathing.


Moments afterwards, she felt her duvet being slid around her. A knot formed in Maisha's throat. Her eyes fluttered open and the knot grew tighter. Gruesome claws grew from the human fingers of her intruder. In curiosity, Maisha slowly swiveled her head around. Red eyes. Piercing bright red eyes, owned by a dog-like face. A grin was plastered to his mouth. Four of his teeth were razor sharp, the others slightly pointed. Her eyes traveled to his ears. They were unusual as everything else, with pointed tips. Hair grew down the sides of his jaw, small extra hairs at the top of his forehead shaped into a v.


She heard him whisper in a gravelly voice as everything blurred.


Maisha shot up in bed. Her gasps for air became frantic and full of panic. In seconds, she began to hyperventilate. Continuing with her struggle to breath, her hands searched her bed side drawer. The inhaler wasn't there. She could have sworn it was there yesterday. Falling in utter desperation, her fist punched a red button on her night stand, chipping a portion of it off. Running out of air, she began to feel weak. The room began to spin and that.. that thing from last night snaked into her mind as she slowly drifted into near unconsciousness.

What was it? What did it mean by "soon"? As a matter of fact, who was it. It was part human. What was it doing in—

Maisha was ripped from her thoughts when something came contact with her mouth. Her eyes immediately opened. Her mother was sitting in front of her, holding the inhaler to her mouth. She was saying something—her lips were moving, but no sound came out. Coming to her senses, Maisha took a breath. The fumes of the inhaler filled her, relief spreading through her lungs.

A/N: Yooooooo betches! So if you haven't noticed, this is somewhat similar to Teen Wolf. Before you say anything, I am in no way taking credit for the ideas that I 'stole' from the show. My credit goes to the writers. But I hope that this Prologue wasn't confusing or sucked too bad, ha!

-  Meredith x ♚

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2014 ⏰

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