chapter 1

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Karen's eyes fluttered open, as she yawned and went to stretch. Her whole body ached, and the brown hair which came down to her shoulders seemed greasy and unwashed. Bringing her body to sit up she then saw it. A huge silver ceiling about an inch from her face. She went to move her sides but they were jammed next to her.

She wasn't in her room. She was in a metal box.

Using as much force as she could muster she hit the top with her leg, and it swung outwards. She clambered out and took in her surroundings. She was in a concrete room, with 4 metal boxes in, the one she was in, and three others. Everything was covered thickly in dust, making Karen want to sneeze. She went over to another box, and used the handle on top to unhinge the door.

She was relieved to see that inside the box was someone she knew. He was in her class at school, and had a mop of browny black hair on his head, and emerald green eyes. He was called Dan.

"DAN DAN WAKE UP" Karen called with a croaky, disused voice. He groaned and lifted up his head looking slightly scared at Karen standing over him (she was waring trousers don't worry), then petrified at the sudden surroundings. "Whe.. Where are we?" He stuttered, struggling to stand with evidently stiff legs. "I don't know" Karen replied slightly scared, " help me with these other two boxes,"

The first box contained one of Karen's best friends Lauren, who was quite confident surprisingly, and had bleached-looking naturally blond hair. She popped up and got the last box. It contained another person who they all knew, a gangly ginger boy called Leo who seemed allergic to the dust.

He started coughing, and had an asthma attack. Frantically they looked for a door, and found a stiff metal one, which they had to pull really hard to open. They followed some steps up to a hatch, and stepped out, revealing a wasteland, full of rubble and green ooze.

This wasn't how they remembered earth.

They stood there for a good 5 minutes, in awe, just staring at wherever they were, when Laura's solar powered watch turned on with a ping . She gasped and stumbled back.

Instead of 2016 the watch read 2216

They were in the future .....

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