182. I don't know how people can fake an entire relationship I can't even fake and hello to someone I don't like
183. Everyone makes mistakes if you can't forget others. don't expect others to forgive you
184. F.R.I.E.N.D.S
= fight for you
Respect you
Include you
Encourage you
Need you
Deserve you
Stand by youStatus:
25.03.∞❤️~Z😭❤️neverTheSame😭💔❤️||~M💙KinoWarGeil💙1StundeFotos💙Spagatbilder💙millionenmalUmgestiegen💙liebe dich😘💙||HeuteBkh🙈💕#A💕#L💖~LL∞🐴❤️|~N❤️Ich sitze in Auto und fahre zu Lady aber mir langweilig😩😩😂😂😂 habs doch noch geschafft upzudaten❤️lysm
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