Just you and me...

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*Yato's Pov*

"Come Sekki!" I yell and only short after is it that I feel my hands tightening on the grip that is my special little regalia.

There I go again...

Ever since I made Yukine my regalia, I couldn't help but feel a strong bond slowly build between us.

I managed to gain feelings for him despite the fact that he for one probably doesn't feel the same about me and two he probably doesn't have a thing for guys either.

Even then I can never manage to ignore my feelings for him, is that bad?

*Small time skip*

"Great job back there, Yukine! Just like always".

I give him a small smile as I compliment him for his work.

Of course he did well...he is my regalia after all.

"Ah yeah, I guess I did a pretty good job". He laughs bashfully and scratches the back of his head.

Damn, he's just so adorable!

Outside I look calm and normal but on the inside I feel like I would just die if he did another cute thing.

"I do have to admit... Even though I have gotten better I still felt kinda scared". The short blonde boy admits.

I look at him as he averts his eyes from embarrassment, his golden locks falling just between his eyes.

His eyes meet mine and it was as if my heart skipped a beat.

"Hey, its alright. I would never let someone or something ever hurt you." I say as I playfully place my hand over his shoulder, letting a small blush rise.

Maybe it was the weather. That slight breeze that occasionally passed by in the cold early winter air, but whatever it was...it made me feel as if one of those cheesy love stories where the man confesses his undenying love for the girl.

I think more about the ridiculous coincidence and slowly begin a to space out.

"Uh...Yato?" I snap back to reality as Yukine calls out to me.

"Yes my dea- I mean Yukine?" I let out a nervouse laughter, hoping he wouldn't notice what I was about to call him...

"Your hands are starting to sweat and it's really disgusting".

A pang of enbaressment completely wakes me up and I quickly remove my hand.

"Yeah, sorry about that..." I respond as I wipe my hands off on my clothing.

Hiyori was out with her friends, something about a school project she had to do.

That just left me and Yukine alone. Just you and me...

We walked back to where we usually stay at, Kofuku's place, to take a small break.

"Actually, Yukine... There is something I wanna show you". I immediately grab his hand and head straight a park that seemed more like a forest.

"Yato wait, slow down a bit! Your hands are still sweaty too!"

I stop in front of a tree with a small hole and step aside to let him see for himself. A small gasp of amusement escaped his mouth as he carefully reached into it.

"Its wing was broken so I took care of it until it healed. I'm sure it should be better by now."

He holds the small delicate bird in his hands and looks up at me. "You actually took care of something?" He mocks.

"I'm not that bad, am I?" I jokingly respond.

He soflty pets the small creatures head as if he did it any harder it would harm it. Another cute thing...I could just die.

Once again the same breeze blows and I begin to think of more ridiculous scenarios of the two of us.

I look down to see him staring at me and I hold my gaze, I look at his bright eyes, his flushed cheeks from the cold air, his visible breath that has a soft pattern.

"Yukine..." I raise my hand to his face, moving a strand of hair behind his ear.

I realise what I've done but its like my body had a mind if its own. I couldn't move on my own...

I slowly lean in, just a few inches from his face. He of course flicnhes and moves back of bit but I hold him into place.

I continue to gold my gaze which makes me seem more intimidating.

To hell with it already...

I don't hesitate to kiss him, him and his soft cold lips. I can feel his cheeks heat up as I hold my position.

The bird he was holding fly's away, giving him the chance to use his two free hands to balance himself.

I pull away and look at him just to look away out of embarrassment.

"Did...you...me...?" He asks with a shaken breath. Still holding on to me.

"Yes I kiseed you. And if you're wondering why its because I...I love you." I mumble, barely audible.

"At least look at me if you're gonna tell me that...so I can make sure you're not lying..." He pulls at my sleeve and his small cold hands brush against mine.

I look at him. Taken by surprise my eyes widened a bit and my face flushes even more.

"I..I said I love you." I tell him once more with a more clear tone.

"Good...because that's means I can finally do this." He pulls me into a hug and I just stand there frozen. Looking down at his small figure was enough to make anyone fall for him... That is what happened to me after all...

I return the hug and place my chin on his head. I never want to move from this place ever again. "Does that mean you love me too?" I stubbornly ask.

"Of course it does. Didn't you get the hint?" He moves his head to look up at me and smiles.

"Oh why do you have to be so damn adorable?" I asked leaving a small peck on his forehead.
"At least for now...it's just you and me."

Just you and me...

(Sorry if sucks and short...I low key wrote this at a hospital...)

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